How to use the command 'coffee' (with examples)

How to use the command 'coffee' (with examples)

The coffee command is used to execute CoffeeScript scripts or compile them into JavaScript. It is a utility provided by the CoffeeScript language. CoffeeScript is a small programming language that compiles into JavaScript, providing syntactic sugar to make your code more readable and expressive.

Use case 1: Run a script


coffee path/to/

Motivation: Running a CoffeeScript script directly allows you to quickly test and execute your code without the need for explicit compilation. This is useful for development and debugging purposes.


  • coffee: The command itself.
  • path/to/ The path to the CoffeeScript file you want to run.

Example output:

Hello, CoffeeScript!

Use case 2: Compile to JavaScript and save to a file with the same name


coffee --compile path/to/

Motivation: Compiling your CoffeeScript code into JavaScript allows you to distribute and run it on any platform that supports JavaScript. Saving the compiled code to a file with the same name makes it easier to locate and manage.


  • coffee: The command itself.
  • --compile: Specifies that the CoffeeScript file should be compiled.
  • path/to/ The path to the CoffeeScript file you want to compile.

Example output: No output is generated when using this command. However, the compiled JavaScript file, path/to/file.js, will be created.

Use case 3: Compile to JavaScript and save to a given output file


coffee --compile path/to/ --output path/to/file.js

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to specify a different output file location for the compiled JavaScript code. This is useful when you want to organize your compiled code separately from the CoffeeScript source files.


  • coffee: The command itself.
  • --compile: Specifies that the CoffeeScript file should be compiled.
  • path/to/ The path to the CoffeeScript file you want to compile.
  • --output: Specifies the output file path and name for the compiled JavaScript code.
  • path/to/file.js: The desired output file location for the compiled code.

Example output: No output is generated when using this command. However, the compiled JavaScript file will be created at the specified output location.

Use case 4: Start a REPL (interactive shell)


coffee --interactive

Motivation: A REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) provides an interactive environment for testing code snippets and experimenting with CoffeeScript language features. It allows you to write CoffeeScript code and immediately see the result.


  • coffee: The command itself.
  • --interactive: Starts the CoffeeScript REPL.

Example output:

coffee> x = 5
coffee> x + 3

Use case 5: Watch script for changes and re-run script


coffee --watch path/to/

Motivation: When developing CoffeeScript applications, it can be tedious to manually re-run the script every time you make a change. The --watch option automatically detects changes in the CoffeeScript file and re-runs the script, saving you time and effort.


  • coffee: The command itself.
  • --watch: Watches the CoffeeScript file for changes.
  • path/to/ The path to the CoffeeScript file you want to watch.

Example output:

File "path/to/" changed.
Running script...
Hello, CoffeeScript!


The coffee command provides essential functionality for working with CoffeeScript. It allows you to run CoffeeScript scripts directly, compile them into JavaScript, start an interactive shell for experimentation, and watch files for changes. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, you can make the most out of the CoffeeScript language and its features.

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