How to Use the Command 'collectd' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'collectd' (with examples)

collectd is a versatile system statistics collection daemon used predominantly for gathering various metrics from systems and network devices. By efficiently collecting performance data, collectd helps in system performance monitoring, identifying bottlenecks, and also offers insights for capacity planning.

Use case 1: Testing the Configuration File


collectd -t


Before running collectd, it’s crucial to ensure that the configuration file you plan to use is correctly set up. Testing the configuration file helps prevent runtime errors that could cause collectd to malfunction or abort after starting. This use case allows administrators to identify any syntactical errors or misconfigurations in the configuration file quickly.


  • -t: This option instructs collectd to check the syntax and validity of the configuration file and then exit.

Example Output:

Configuration file '/etc/collectd/collectd.conf' is OK.

Use case 2: Testing Plugin Data Collection


collectd -T


When adding a new plugin or altering the configuration for existing plugins, it’s prudent to test whether these plugins can successfully gather data. This use case ensures that all plugins specified are functioning correctly before collectd starts gathering and logging data, thereby avoiding wrong data collection and potential data integrity issues.


  • -T: This flag tells collectd to test data collection for configured plugins without actually starting the daemon. It’s mainly used for debugging purposes.

Example Output:

Plugin cpu OK.
Plugin memory OK.
Test complete: No errors.

Use case 3: Starting collectd




Starting collectd is a fundamental operation once the configuration file is validated and plugin data collection is tested. The main role here is to begin the daemon process that starts collecting the metrics as per the predefined settings.


There are no additional arguments in this command. Simply invoking collectd without options starts the daemon using the default configuration, usually located at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.

Example Output:

collectd[12345]: Initialization complete, starting up.

Use case 4: Specify a Custom Configuration File


collectd -C path/to/file


Sometimes, the default configuration is not suitable for specific environments, or different configurations are required for different circumstances. This use case allows administrators to specify an alternate configuration file, enabling flexible setups without modifying the global configuration.


  • -C: This argument specifies the path to a configuration file other than the default, directing collectd to load the definitions and settings from a specified place.

Example Output:

Configuration file 'path/to/file' is loaded.
collectd[12345]: Using custom configuration, starting up.

Use case 5: Specify a Custom PID File Location


collectd -P path/to/file


In scenarios where multiple instances of collectd might be running or when custom scripting requires tracking the process ID of collectd, specifying a custom PID file location becomes useful. It helps in managing collectd processes more effectively.


  • -P: This argument assigns a specific path where the collectd daemon’s process ID will be stored, allowing better process management and scripting interoperability.

Example Output:

PID file '/path/to/file' created with process ID: 12345.

Use case 6: Don’t Fork into the Background


collectd -f


Running collectd in a foreground process is extremely useful during debugging, especially when observing log outputs directly on the terminal. This is often used in development or troubleshooting environments where live feedback is necessary.


  • -f: With this flag, collectd runs in the foreground, instead of its default behavior of forking into the background. This helps track the immediate output and debug information displayed directly in the terminal session.

Example Output:

[2023-11-05 12:00:00] collectd[12345]: Initialization present on terminal.

Use case 7: Display Help and Version


collectd -h


Understanding what options, features, and version of collectd you are working with is crucial for effective usage. This command is typically utilized when initially setting up collectd or when troubleshooting issues potentially linked to different versions or options available.


  • -h: This flag triggers the display of a help message showing the command-line options and details about the version of collectd.

Example Output:

collectd 5.12.0
System statistics collection daemon

Usage: collectd [OPTIONS]

  -h         Print usage and help

Complete documentation can be found at <>.


collectd is a powerful tool for system administrators and developers, providing a plethora of options to configure, test, and utilize system statistics collection. By leveraging the use cases illustrated above, users can optimize their use of collectd for seamless performance monitoring and analysis. Each use case addresses specific needs, making collectd a versatile choice for diverse system environments.

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