How to use the command colorls (with examples)

How to use the command colorls (with examples)

The colorls command is a Ruby gem that enhances the functionality of the ls command in the terminal by adding colors and font-awesome icons to file listings. This makes it easier to visually differentiate between different types of files and directories.

Use case 1: List files one per line


colorls -1


Listing files one per line can simplify the output of the ls command, especially when dealing with a large number of files or directories. This makes it easier to read and navigate through the list.


The -1 option tells colorls to display each file or directory on a separate line.

Example output:


Use case 2: List all files, including hidden files


colorls --all


By default, the ls command does not show hidden files, which are files that start with a dot. However, sometimes it is necessary to view these hidden files, especially when troubleshooting or performing system administration tasks.


Using the --all flag with colorls will display all files and directories, including hidden files.

Example output:


Use case 3: Long format list of all files


colorls --long --all


Sometimes it is useful to have detailed information about files or directories, such as permissions, ownership, size, and modification date. The long format list provides all this information in a structured and readable manner.


The --long flag tells colorls to display the long format list, and the --all flag ensures that all files and directories, including hidden files, are included in the listing.

Example output:

drwxr-xr-x  2 user1  group1  4096 Jan  1  2020 directory1
-rw-r--r--  1 user1  group1  2014 Jan  2  2020 file1.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 user1  group1   512 Jan  3  2020 file2.txt

Use case 4: Only list directories


colorls --dirs


There can be situations where you only want to list directories and not regular files. This can be useful when you are only interested in a specific type of content within a directory.


The --dirs flag tells colorls to only display directories and not regular files.

Example output:



The colorls command provides a more visually appealing and informative listing of files and directories in the terminal. By using different options and flags, you can customize the output to suit your needs, whether it’s simplifying the list, displaying hidden files, or providing detailed information about each file.

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