Understanding the 'compseq' Command (with examples)

Understanding the 'compseq' Command (with examples)

The compseq command is a powerful tool used primarily in bioinformatics to analyze biological sequences. It calculates the composition of unique words (sequences of nucleotides or amino acids) in various biological datasets, thereby providing insights into frequency patterns across genetic material. Whether you’re analyzing DNA, RNA, or protein sequences, compseq is designed to offer detailed composition metrics that can guide further research and understanding of genetic materials.

Use case 1: Count observed frequencies of words in a FASTA file using interactive prompts


compseq path/to/file.fasta


When working with a new dataset, one might not have predefined parameters or a clear hypothesis about the sequence compositions. Running compseq with just the file path allows researchers to explore the data using an interactive prompt. This use case is useful for exploratory data analysis, letting scientists dynamically decide which parameter values to apply without needing to rerun the command with new settings repeatedly.


  • path/to/file.fasta: This is the file path pointing to your sequence data stored in a FASTA format. The FASTA format is widely used for representing nucleotide or protein sequences.

Example Output:

Upon execution, users will receive an interactive prompt asking for parameters, such as word length and any additional options for the analysis. Based on their inputs, they could see output like the relative frequency of different words (e.g., nucleotide sequences) within their selected sample.

Use case 2: Count observed frequencies of amino acid pairs from a FASTA file


compseq path/to/input_protein.fasta -word 2 path/to/output_file.comp


In protein sequence analysis, understanding the pairing of amino acids provides essential details about potential structural motifs and functional domains. Calculating frequencies of amino acid pairs allows researchers to identify these patterns, which can offer insights into protein functionality and prediction of secondary structures.


  • path/to/input_protein.fasta: This indicates where your protein sequence data is stored in FASTA format.
  • -word 2: Specifies that pairs (or words of length 2) of amino acids should be considered.
  • path/to/output_file.comp: Designates where the output composition file, listing observed pair frequencies, should be saved.

Example Output:

The output file (output_file.comp) will list the observed frequencies of each amino acid pair, such as ‘AA, 45; AC, 37; AD, 29’, reflecting their occurrence across the entire input dataset.

Use case 3: Count observed frequencies of hexanucleotides and ignore zero counts


compseq path/to/input_dna.fasta -word 6 path/to/output_file.comp -nozero


For genome-wide studies, focusing on hexanucleotide sequences can be significant, especially for motifs with known regulatory roles. Ignoring zero counts helps streamline the data, ensuring only relevant results (those occurring at least once) appear, which simplifies downstream analysis.


  • path/to/input_dna.fasta: Your DNA sequence data in a FASTA file.
  • -word 6: Sets the word length to 6, indicating analysis should focus on hexanucleotide sequences.
  • path/to/output_file.comp: The destination path for storing output results.
  • -nozero: Ensures only sequences with a positive occurrence are reported, omitting any hexanucleotides not present in the data.

Example Output:

A file (output_file.comp) is generated with frequencies like ‘AATTGG, 14; GGATCC, 7’, omitting hexanucleotides with zero occurrences for a more concise analysis.

Use case 4: Count observed frequencies of codons in a specific reading frame


compseq -sequence path/to/input_rna.fasta -word 3 path/to/output_file.comp -nozero -frame 1


This setting is particularly valuable in gene expression studies. By analyzing non-overlapping codons within a specified reading frame, researchers can infer potential transcription and translation sequences, crucial for understanding gene product outcomes.


  • -sequence path/to/input_rna.fasta: Specifies the RNA sequence input file.
  • -word 3: Indicates the focus is on codons (three-nucleotide sequences).
  • path/to/output_file.comp: Specifies output file path.
  • -nozero: Excludes zero-frequency codons.
  • -frame 1: Analyzes the first reading frame without overlaps by shifting the window three bases at a time.

Example Output:

An output file listing non-overlapping codons with frequencies, e.g., ‘AUG, 12; GCU, 9’, will offer researchers insight into genetic code utilization in their dataset.

Use case 5: Analyze frequencies of frame-shifted codons


compseq -sequence path/to/input_rna.fasta -word 3 path/to/output_file.comp -nozero -frame 3


Strategically shifting the reading frame for codon analysis can reveal alternative splicing or transcriptional errors that could influence genetic recombination, protein diversity, and evolutionary processes.


  • -sequence path/to/input_rna.fasta: RNA sequence input in FASTA.
  • -word 3: Targets codon frequencies.
  • path/to/output_file.comp: File path for storing computed frequencies.
  • -nozero: Omits codons that do not appear.
  • -frame 3: Analyzes using the third frame to identify diverse or shifted coding sections.

Example Output:

The output captures frequencies of codons, excluding the first position, illustrative of alternative frame utilization where codons start with the third nucleotide of the first codon.

Use case 6: Compare amino acid triplet composition to a previous run


compseq -sequence path/to/human_proteome.fasta -word 3 path/to/output_file1.comp -nozero -infile path/to/output_file2.comp


This command is beneficial when comparing newly obtained data to previously aggregated results, enabling normalization or expected value computation for amino acid triplets within complex proteomic datasets.


  • -sequence path/to/human_proteome.fasta: The file containing protein sequences.
  • -word 3: Analyzes triplets, vital for identifying specific repeated motifs.
  • path/to/output_file1.comp: Designates output for new run frequencies.
  • -nozero: Disregards triplets with zero frequencies.
  • -infile path/to/output_file2.comp: Uses existing results for comparison to assess changes or deviations.

Example Output:

The output will list amino acid triplet frequencies, providing normalized measures against previous observations and revealing dynamic biological changes.

Use case 7: Calculate expected amino acid triplet frequencies without a comparison file


compseq -sequence path/to/human_proteome.fasta -word 3 path/to/output_file.comp -nozero -calcfreq


This use case is crucial for computational analyses where pre-existing comparison data is unavailable, allowing researchers to simulate expected frequency distributions purely from base frequency data within a new proteome dataset.


  • -sequence path/to/human_proteome.fasta: Stores protein sequence data.
  • -word 3: Focuses on triplet (amino acid cluster) frequencies.
  • path/to/output_file.comp: Path for exporting calculated results.
  • -nozero: Skips irrelevant zero frequencies.
  • -calcfreq: Estimates expected triplet frequencies from existing data.

Example Output:

The output provides both observed and expected triplet frequencies, aiding analysis by showcasing how current data aligns with deterministic probability models.

Use case 8: Display help information


compseq -help


Accessing help documentation is vital for both novice users and seasoned bioinformaticians aiming to refine their command use or troubleshoot issues. Understanding how command parameters interact fosters more accurate sequence analysis.


  • -help: Triggers a display of brief instructions regarding command usage.
  • -verbose: Could be used for more extensive output, providing additional details on optional and essential qualifiers.

Example Output:

The help command offers succinct yet comprehensive information about compseq command parameters, enabling effective command utilization.


The compseq command offers diverse functionalities central to bioinformatics research, providing insights into sequence composition from basic frequency counts to complex analyses with strategic codon placement. Whether you’re examining amino acid pairings, hexanucleotides, or entire codon frames, compseq delivers powerful analytical capabilities key for genomic and proteomic studies. From foundational exploratory steps to in-depth compositional studies, understanding how to efficiently utilize this command ensures a robust approach to unraveling genetic and protein sequences.

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