How to Use the Command 'conan' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'conan' (with Examples)

Conan is an open-source, decentralized, and cross-platform package manager aimed at simplifying the process of managing native binaries. Whether you are developing software on Mac, Windows, or Linux, Conan provides an efficient way to share and create reusable packages. It allows for seamless integration into your projects, reducing complexity and increasing productivity. With its vast control over configurations and widespread community support, using Conan can help streamline your development workflow.

Use Case 1: Installing Packages Based on conanfile.txt


conan install .


When starting a new project or collaborating on an existing one, ensuring that all dependencies are correctly installed is crucial for a stable and efficient development environment. By using conan install ., developers can effortlessly retrieve all the packages and dependencies specified in the conanfile.txt, ensuring consistency across different environments and team members’ setups.


  • conan install: This command triggers the installation process of the Conan packages.

  • .: The period indicates that the command should look at the current directory for the conanfile.txt which contains the package specifications.

Example Output:

    zlib/1.2.11 from 'conan-center' - Cache

zlib/1.2.11: Already installed!

Use Case 2: Installing Packages and Creating Configuration Files for a Specific Generator


conan install -g generator


Different build systems such as CMake, Visual Studio, or Makefiles may require specific configuration files. Conan provides the generator option to facilitate this. Using the -g flag allows users to automatically create the necessary configuration files tailored for their particular build system, ensuring a smooth integration of dependencies without manual configuration.


  • conan install: Initiates the process to acquire specified packages.

  • -g generator: The -g flag specifies which build system-specific configuration files to generate. For example, if using CMake, you could specify -g cmake.

Example Output:

Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake

Use Case 3: Installing Packages, Building from Source


conan install . --build


Occasionally, binary packages may not be available for all platforms or specific system configurations. By utilizing the --build flag, developers can request that Conan build the package from source, ensuring compatibility and potentially optimizing for specific architectures or settings.


  • conan install: Triggers the package retrieval process.

  • .: Directs the command to refer to the conanfile.txt.

  • --build: This flag explicitly tells Conan to compile packages from the source code rather than download precompiled binaries.

Example Output:

zlib/1.2.11: Building your package from source as it is not available
Installing build requirements of: zlib/1.2.11
zlib/1.2.11: Package built successfully

Use Case 4: Searching for Locally Installed Packages


conan search package


Effectively managing local installations is vital for development, particularly for debugging or testing specific versions of dependencies. The conan search command helps developers quickly find and list all locally installed versions of a package, aiding in managing their package ecosystem at a glance.


  • conan search: Initiates a search process for local packages.

  • package: Placeholder for the actual package name you are looking for in the local repository.

Example Output:

Existing package revisions for 'zlib':
    Package_ID: 8a250daf05f8bad56e288a40e2c965 (timestamp)

Use Case 5: Searching for Remote Packages


conan search package -r remote


For developers working in a collaborative environment, knowing the available remote packages is crucial for maintaining consistency across different development instances. Performing a search on remote repositories helps identify current package versions and availability before inclusion into a project.


  • conan search: Starts the search command.

  • package: The targeted package name searched within remote repositories.

  • -r remote: The -r flag specifies that the search should be conducted on remote repositories instead of local caches.

Example Output:

zlib/1.2.11: Found in remote 'conan-center'

Use Case 6: Listing Remotes


conan remote list


Managing package sources effectively is key to ensuring a reliable build process. Conan utilizes remotes to reference package repositories. Listing available remotes helps developers confirm their current configuration and decide whether new sources need to be added or if existing ones should be adjusted.


  • conan remote list: This straightforward command lists all the remote repositories configured in the local Conan environment, along with their URLs.

Example Output:

conan-center: [Verify SSL: True]


Conan continues to facilitate the complexity of project dependencies across multiple platforms and environments. Whether it’s configuring packages, managing installations, or seamlessly integrating build systems, understanding its commands and use cases equips developers with the tools needed to build efficiently and effectively.

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