How to use the command 'conda create' (with examples)

How to use the command 'conda create' (with examples)

The ‘conda create’ command is used to create new conda environments. A conda environment is a self-contained directory that contains a specific version of Python along with the packages that are installed on it. It allows for isolating different projects and their dependencies, making it easier to manage and reproduce projects. The ‘conda create’ command provides a way to create new environments and install packages into them.

Use case 1: Create a new environment with Python and NumPy


conda create --yes --name py39 python=3.9 "numpy>=1.11"

Motivation: Creating a new environment with specific versions of Python and packages can be useful when working on a project that requires a specific environment setup. For example, if a project requires Python 3.9 and NumPy version 1.11 or above, we can create a new environment with these specifications.


  • --yes: The --yes flag is used to automatically confirm the installation of packages without prompting for user confirmation.
  • --name: The --name flag is followed by the name of the environment we want to create. In this case, it is py39.
  • python=3.9: This specifies the version of Python to be installed in the environment. In this case, we want Python 3.9.
  • "numpy>=1.11": This specifies the package to be installed and its version requirement. In this case, we want NumPy version 1.11 or above.

Example output: The command will create a new environment named py39 and install Python 3.9 along with NumPy version 1.11 or above. Once completed, the environment can be activated using the command conda activate py39.

Use case 2: Make an exact copy of an environment


conda create --clone py39 --name py39-copy

Motivation: Creating a copy of an existing environment can be useful when we want to have a backup or create another environment with the same configuration.


  • --clone: The --clone flag is followed by the name of the environment we want to clone. In this case, we want to clone the py39 environment.
  • --name: The --name flag is followed by the desired name for the cloned environment. In this case, it is py39-copy.

Example output: The command will create a new environment named py39-copy that is an exact copy of the py39 environment. All the packages and their versions installed in py39 will be replicated in py39-copy.

Use case 3: Create a new environment with a specified name and install a given package


conda create --name env_name package

Motivation: Creating a new environment with a specific name and package can be useful when we want to isolate a project with specific package requirements.


  • --name: The --name flag is followed by the desired name for the new environment. In this case, it is env_name.
  • package: The package name is specified after the environment name. In this case, it is the name of the package we want to install.

Example output: The command will create a new environment named env_name and install the specified package in that environment. Once completed, the environment can be activated using the command conda activate env_name.


The ‘conda create’ command provides a flexible way to create new conda environments with specific versions of Python and packages. It allows for easy management and reproduction of projects by isolating their dependencies. Whether creating a new environment with specific packages or cloning an existing environment, the ‘conda create’ command has you covered.

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