How to use the command 'conky' (with examples)

How to use the command 'conky' (with examples)

Conky is a light-weight system monitor for X, which displays various system information such as CPU usage, memory usage, network activity, and more. It can be customized to show different widgets and styles, making it a versatile tool for monitoring your system.

Use case 1: Launch with default, built-in config




Launching Conky with the default, built-in config is helpful when you just want to quickly start monitoring your system without any customization.


The command conky without any arguments starts Conky with the default, built-in configuration file (usually located at /etc/conky/conky.conf).

Example output:

Conky will be launched and display the default system monitor, showing information such as CPU usage, memory usage, and network activity.

Use case 2: Create a new default config


conky -C > ~/.conkyrc


Creating a new default config allows you to start customizing Conky according to your preferences and needs.


The -C option tells Conky to create a new default config file. The > operator redirects the output to a file, in this case, ~/.conkyrc, which is the default location for Conky’s configuration file.

Example output:

A new default config file will be created at ~/.conkyrc, where you can start editing and customizing it.

Use case 3: Launch Conky with a given config file


conky -c path/to/config


Launching Conky with a specific config file allows you to use a custom configuration that you have created or obtained from someone else.


The -c option is used to specify the path to the config file that you want to use. Replace “path/to/config” with the actual path to your desired config file.

Example output:

Conky will be launched using the specified config file, displaying the system information and widgets defined in that configuration.

Use case 4: Start in the background (daemonize)


conky -d


Starting Conky in the background allows you to have it continuously monitor your system without taking up space on your desktop.


The -d option tells Conky to start as a daemon or background process. This way, Conky will run in the background and continue to monitor your system even if you close the terminal window or log out.

Example output:

Conky will start in the background and continue to monitor your system without being visible on your desktop.

Use case 5: Align Conky on the desktop


conky -a top|bottom|middle_left|right|middle


Aligning Conky on the desktop allows you to position it in a way that doesn’t interfere with other windows or obstruct important content.


The -a option is used to specify the alignment of Conky on the desktop. You can choose from the following options:

  • top: Aligns Conky at the top of the screen.
  • bottom: Aligns Conky at the bottom of the screen.
  • middle_left: Aligns Conky vertically centered on the left side of the screen.
  • right: Aligns Conky on the right side of the screen.
  • middle: Aligns Conky vertically and horizontally centered on the screen.

Example output:

Conky will be aligned on the desktop according to the specified alignment option, allowing you to position it where it suits you best.

Use case 6: Pause for 5 seconds at startup before launching


conky -p 5


Pausing Conky for a few seconds at startup can be useful to allow other startup processes to finish before Conky starts monitoring your system.


The -p option is used to specify the number of seconds to pause before launching Conky. Replace “5” with the desired number of seconds.

Example output:

Conky will pause for 5 seconds at startup before launching and starting to display system information on your desktop.


The conky command is a versatile system monitor for X that can be customized to display various system information on your desktop. With options such as launching with default or custom config files, aligning on the desktop, and daemonizing, you can tailor Conky to your specific system monitoring needs.

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