Using the coreauthd command (with examples)

Using the coreauthd command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

The coreauthd command is a system daemon that provides the LocalAuthentication framework. It should not be invoked manually but rather used indirectly through other commands or system processes. This article will explore various use cases of the coreauthd command and explain the motivations behind using each example.

Use Case 1: Start the agent

To start the coreauthd agent, simply execute the coreauthd command without any additional arguments:



In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to manually start the coreauthd agent. This can be useful for troubleshooting or testing purposes, especially when dealing with authentication-related issues. By starting the coreauthd agent, you ensure that the LocalAuthentication framework is up and running, allowing the system to handle authentication requests from applications effectively.

Explanation of Arguments

The coreauthd command does not accept any arguments, as it is a standalone command to start the coreauthd agent.

Example Output

When executed successfully, the coreauthd command starts the LocalAuthentication framework’s agent in the background. You might not see any output from the terminal, indicating that the coreauthd agent is running silently.

Use Case 2: No manual invocation

As stated in the command description, the coreauthd command should not be manually invoked. It is designed to be used by other processes and commands indirectly.


The motivation behind not manually invoking the coreauthd command is to ensure the correct functionality and proper integration within the system. Invoking it manually might lead to unexpected behavior or conflicts with other processes that rely on the coreauthd agent.

Explanation of Arguments

No arguments should be provided when invoking the coreauthd command manually.

Example Output

If you attempt to manually invoke the coreauthd command, you will likely receive an error message indicating that the command should not be used directly. Instead, it is recommended to utilize other system processes or frameworks that rely on the LocalAuthentication framework.

Use Case 3: More information

The coreauthd command provides a link to additional information about the command and its purpose. By visiting the provided URL, you can access detailed documentation for coreauthd on the Manpagez website.


The motivation behind providing more information about the coreauthd command is to enable users to gain a deeper understanding of the command’s functionality and purpose. By accessing the documentation, users can explore advanced features, troubleshooting tips, and best practices related to the coreauthd agent.

Explanation of Arguments

No arguments should be provided when using the coreauthd command to obtain more information.

Example Output

When you visit the URL provided by the coreauthd command, you will be directed to the detailed documentation for coreauthd on the Manpagez website. This documentation contains comprehensive information about the LocalAuthentication framework, including its purpose, usage guidelines, and potential troubleshooting steps.

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