How to use the command "corebrightnessd" (with examples)

How to use the command "corebrightnessd" (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The “corebrightnessd” command is used to manage Night Shift, a feature available on macOS that helps reduce eye strain by adjusting the color temperature of the display to a warmer tone during the evening and night hours. However, it is important to note that this command should not be invoked manually, as it is designed to be managed by the system.

Use case 1: Starting the daemon




Starting the “corebrightnessd” daemon is necessary to enable Night Shift functionality on macOS. By running this command, the system initializes the daemon and allows it to automatically adjust the display color temperature based on the configured schedule.


The “corebrightnessd” command without any arguments simply starts the daemon. It is responsible for continuously monitoring the system time and making adjustments to the display color temperature as necessary to enforce the Night Shift schedule.

Example output:

There is typically no visible output when starting the “corebrightnessd” daemon. It silently runs in the background and automatically adjusts the display color temperature according to the configured Night Shift schedule.

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