How to use the command `cradle elastic` (with examples)

How to use the command `cradle elastic` (with examples)

Cradle is a PHP framework that provides a command-line tool called cradle elastic to manage Elasticsearch instances. This command offers various functionalities to manage the Elasticsearch index and schema for a Cradle instance. In this article, we will go through each of these use cases and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Truncate the Elasticsearch index


cradle elastic flush

Motivation: Truncating the Elasticsearch index is useful when you want to clear all the data in your index. This could be done to start fresh or to remove all the existing data before importing new data.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • flush is the sub-command used to truncate the Elasticsearch index.

Example output:

Flushing Elasticsearch index...
Index flushed successfully.

Use case 2: Truncate the Elasticsearch index for a specific package


cradle elastic flush package

Motivation: Sometimes, you may have multiple packages in your Cradle instance, and you want to selectively truncate the Elasticsearch index for a specific package only. This use case allows you to target a specific package and remove its data from the index.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • flush is the sub-command used to truncate the Elasticsearch index.
  • package is an argument that specifies the name of the package for which you want to truncate the index.

Example output:

Flushing Elasticsearch index for package "package"...
Index flushed successfully for package "package".

Use case 3: Submit the Elasticsearch schema


cradle elastic map

Motivation: Submitting the Elasticsearch schema is necessary to define the mapping and structure of your data in the Elasticsearch index. This use case allows you to submit the schema for all the packages in your Cradle instance.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • map is the sub-command used to submit the Elasticsearch schema.

Example output:

Submitting Elasticsearch schema...
Schema submitted successfully.

Use case 4: Submit the Elasticsearch schema for a specific package


cradle elastic map package

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may only want to submit the Elasticsearch schema for a specific package rather than all the packages in your Cradle instance. This use case allows you to target a particular package and submit its schema.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • map is the sub-command used to submit the Elasticsearch schema.
  • package is an argument that specifies the name of the package for which you want to submit the schema.

Example output:

Submitting Elasticsearch schema for package "package"...
Schema submitted successfully for package "package".

Use case 5: Populate the Elasticsearch indices for all packages


cradle elastic populate

Motivation: When the Elasticsearch schema has been submitted, you need to populate the Elasticsearch indices with data. This use case allows you to populate the indices for all the packages in your Cradle instance.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • populate is the sub-command used to populate the Elasticsearch indices.

Example output:

Populating Elasticsearch indices...
Indices populated successfully.

Use case 6: Populate the Elasticsearch indices for a specific package


cradle elastic populate package

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, you may want to populate the Elasticsearch indices for a specific package instead of all the packages in your Cradle instance. This use case allows you to select a particular package and populate its indices.


  • cradle elastic is the command to manage Elasticsearch instances.
  • populate is the sub-command used to populate the Elasticsearch indices.
  • package is an argument that specifies the name of the package for which you want to populate the indices.

Example output:

Populating Elasticsearch indices for package "package"...
Indices populated successfully for package "package".


The cradle elastic command provides an efficient way to manage Elasticsearch instances for a Cradle instance. By using this command with different sub-commands and arguments, you can truncate the index, submit the schema, and populate the indices for all or specific packages. This allows you to have more control over your Elasticsearch data and effectively manage your Cradle instance.

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