How to use the command "cradle install" (with examples)

How to use the command "cradle install" (with examples)

The “cradle install” command is used to install the Cradle PHP framework components. It allows users to easily set up the Cradle framework in their project by installing all the necessary components. The command can be customized with various options to suit different requirements.

Use case 1: Install Cradle’s components


cradle install

Motivation: This use case is used when you want to install the Cradle PHP framework components and configure them with default options. By running this command, you will be prompted to provide further details such as database connection information and other necessary configurations.

Explanation: This command will install Cradle’s components and prompt you to provide additional details for configuration. It will ask for details like the database hostname, username, password, and other project-specific options.

Example output:

Please provide your database hostname: localhost
Please provide your database username: root
Please provide your database password: ****
Cradle framework components installed successfully.

Use case 2: Forcefully overwrite files


cradle install --force

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to reinstall Cradle’s components and forcefully overwrite any existing files. This can be useful if you want to start fresh or update your Cradle installation.

Explanation: The “–force” option will force the installation process to overwrite any existing files. It is commonly used when you want to update your existing Cradle installation or when you want to reinstall it entirely.

Example output:

Overwriting existing files...
Cradle framework components installed successfully.

Use case 3: Skip running SQL migrations


cradle install --skip-sql

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to skip running SQL migrations during the installation process. SQL migrations are used to create or update the database structure and the data within it. Skipping SQL migrations can be helpful when you already have a pre-configured database.

Explanation: The “–skip-sql” option instructs the installation process to skip running SQL migrations. This can save time if you have a pre-existing database structure and want to skip executing SQL migration scripts.

Example output:

Skipping SQL migrations...
Cradle framework components installed successfully.

Use case 4: Skip running package updates


cradle install --skip-versioning

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to skip updating the Cradle package dependencies during the installation process. Skipping package updates can be useful if you want to install the Cradle framework using the existing package versions without updating them.

Explanation: The “–skip-versioning” option skips the package update process during the installation. This can be helpful if you want to use specific versions of the Cradle packages and avoid any potential conflicts that may arise from updating packages.

Example output:

Skipping package updates...
Cradle framework components installed successfully.

Use case 5: Use specific database details


cradle install -h hostname -u username -p password

Motivation: This use case allows you to provide specific database details during the installation process. It can be useful when you want to configure the Cradle framework with a specific database instance.

Explanation: The “-h” option is used to specify the database hostname, the “-u” option is used to specify the database username, and the “-p” option is used to specify the database password. By using these options, you can configure the Cradle framework with the desired database details.

Example output:

Setting up Cradle framework with specific database details...
Cradle framework components installed successfully.


The “cradle install” command provides flexible options to install the Cradle PHP framework components according to different requirements. With options like “–force”, “–skip-sql”, “–skip-versioning”, and the ability to specify specific database details, users can customize the installation process to fit their needs. Whether you want to start fresh, update an existing installation, or configure with specific database details, the “cradle install” command makes the installation process easy and efficient.

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