How to use the command 'cradle sql' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cradle sql' (with examples)

The ‘cradle sql’ command is used to manage Cradle SQL databases. It allows you to perform various actions such as rebuilding the database schema, emptying the database, and populating the tables. This article provides examples of different use cases of the ‘cradle sql’ command.

Use case 1: Rebuild the database schema


cradle sql build

Motivation: Rebuilding the database schema is useful when you want to make structural changes to the database, such as adding or modifying tables or columns.

Explanation: The ‘build’ argument is used to rebuild the database schema. It takes no additional arguments.

Example output:

Rebuilding database schema...
Database schema successfully rebuilt.

Use case 2: Rebuild the database schema for a specific package


cradle sql build package

Motivation: If you only want to rebuild the database schema for a specific package, you can use this command. This is helpful when you have multiple packages and only want to make changes to one of them.

Explanation: The ‘build’ argument is followed by the name of the package. It rebuilds the database schema for that specific package.

Example output:

Rebuilding database schema for package 'package'...
Database schema for package 'package' successfully rebuilt.

Use case 3: Empty the entire database


cradle sql flush

Motivation: Emptying the entire database can be useful when you want to start fresh and remove all data from the tables.

Explanation: The ‘flush’ argument is used to empty the entire database. It takes no additional arguments.

Example output:

Emptying entire database...
Database successfully emptied.

Use case 4: Empty the database tables for a specific package


cradle sql flush package

Motivation: If you only want to empty the database tables for a specific package, you can use this command. This is helpful when you have multiple packages and only want to remove data from the tables of one package.

Explanation: The ‘flush’ argument is followed by the name of the package. It empties the database tables for that specific package.

Example output:

Emptying database tables for package 'package'...
Database tables for package 'package' successfully emptied.

Use case 5: Populate the tables for all packages


cradle sql populate

Motivation: Populating the tables for all packages is useful when you want to insert initial data into the tables after rebuilding the database schema.

Explanation: The ‘populate’ argument is used to populate the tables for all packages. It takes no additional arguments.

Example output:

Populating tables for all packages...
Tables successfully populated.

Use case 6: Populate the tables for a specific package


cradle sql populate package

Motivation: If you only want to populate the tables for a specific package, you can use this command. This is helpful when you have multiple packages and only want to insert initial data into the tables of one package.

Explanation: The ‘populate’ argument is followed by the name of the package. It populates the tables for that specific package.

Example output:

Populating tables for package 'package'...
Tables for package 'package' successfully populated.


The ‘cradle sql’ command provides a range of capabilities for managing Cradle SQL databases. Whether you need to rebuild the database schema, empty the database, or populate the tables, this command has you covered. By understanding the different use cases and their corresponding arguments, you can effectively manage your Cradle SQL databases.

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