How to Use the Command 'crane blob' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane blob' (with Examples)

The crane blob command is a tool from the go-containerregistry suite that allows users to read and manage blobs from container registries. A blob in this context typically refers to binary large objects in container registries, such as configuration files, compressed file layers, or any arbitrary data associated with a container. This command is particularly useful for developers or system administrators who need to interact directly with the underlying data of container images.

Use Case 1: Reading a Blob from a Registry


crane blob blob_identifier


Reading a blob directly from a container registry can be necessary in various scenarios. For example, a developer might need to inspect the contents of a blob to troubleshoot an issue with a container image or to verify that the correct data has been pushed to the registry. Access to blobs is essential for debugging or understanding how a container is constructed, especially when dealing with custom or complex images.


  • crane: This is the main command from the go-containerregistry suite. It acts as a gateway to various subcommands that interact with container registries.
  • blob: This subcommand tells crane that the user intends to interact with a blob rather than another type of object, such as an image.
  • blob_identifier: This argument is a placeholder for the actual identifier of the blob that the user wants to read. This could be a SHA256 hash or any unique identifier that represents the blob in the registry.

Example Output:

When you run the above command with a valid blob_identifier, you might receive output similar to the following:

Downloading blob: sha256:5b634e5bdc5ce9e1587900de37ae17a604abd0703ef5bf69bbc7f9871b1f6b5f
Blob content:
  "architecture": "amd64",
  "os": "linux",

This output indicates that the blob has been successfully retrieved, and it then displays the data contained within the blob. The content would typically be the binary or JSON-formatted data representing some part of the container’s filesystem or configuration.

Use Case 2: Displaying Help for the Command


crane blob -h


Displaying the help information for the crane blob command is crucial for users who are unfamiliar with the command’s syntax and functionality. The help option provides a comprehensive list of flags, usage patterns, and a brief description of what each part of the command does. This can serve as a quick reference guide for users to ensure they are using the command correctly and to explore any additional features or options that are available.


  • crane: The primary tool from the go-containerregistry that facilitates the use of various subcommands related to container registries.
  • blob: Specifies that we are seeking help specifically for the blob subcommand.
  • -h or --help: This flag triggers the display of help information. It is a common convention in command-line tools to offer a help menu that assists users in understanding how to use the command effectively. The two forms (-h and --help) are provided to accommodate different user preferences; both perform the same function.

Example Output:

Running the command with the -h flag would typically yield output like this:

Usage of crane blob:
  - <option1>: Description of option1
  - <option2>: Description of option2

More information: <>

Use "crane blob -h" for more information.

This output includes a list of options and flags available for the crane blob command, briefly describing their purpose. Additionally, it provides a link to more extensive documentation for users who want to explore the command in greater detail.


The crane blob command is a powerful tool for managing and inspecting blobs within container registries. By understanding the basic usage patterns and arguments, users can effectively troubleshoot and manage their containerized applications. Whether you’re examining a blob’s content or exploring command options, crane blob is an essential part of the toolset for anyone dealing with container images.

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