How to Use the Command 'crane config' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane config' (with examples)

The crane config command is part of the Go Container Registry’s Crane toolset. It is used to extract and view the configuration of container images. This command is helpful for developers and system administrators who need to inspect image metadata, such as environment variables, entry points, and other configurations within container images, without pulling the images locally.

Use case 1: Get the configuration of an image


crane config image_name


Retrieving the configuration of a container image can be incredibly useful for understanding how a containerized application is configured and set to run. For instance, you may want to confirm what environment variables are set, which command is triggered at startup, or what default parameters are used. This is particularly helpful in situations where you need to audit, replicate, or debug an existing image’s configuration.


  • crane: This is the base command, part of the Go Container Registry project.

  • config: This subcommand is specifically used to fetch the configuration details of an image.

  • image_name: The name of the image you want to inspect. This would typically be in the format repository/image_name:tag. This argument specifies which image’s configuration you wish to retrieve. For example, if you’re working with an image named nginx with a tag latest, you’d specify nginx:latest.

Example Output:

When you run the command, the output will typically be a JSON object representing the image’s configuration. This might include architecture details, the default command to execute when a container is started, environment variables, and various other parameters related to the container runtime.

  "architecture": "amd64",
  "os": "linux",
  "config": {
    "Env": [
    "Cmd": [
      "daemon off;"

Use case 2: Display help


crane config -h


crane config --help


Understanding how to use a command effectively is critical for leveraging its capabilities to the fullest. The -h or --help flag serves this purpose by providing users with a quick reference guide to the command’s options and usage. Accessing help can be especially beneficial for new users or for those who might not use the command frequently and need a refresher on its functionality.


  • crane: Again, this is the base command, part of the Go Container Registry project.

  • config: The subcommand of interest, which deals with image configuration retrieval.

  • -h or --help: These are standard flags used in command-line tools to display help documentation. Invoking this flag tells the command to return a usage message, explaining available options and their purpose.

Example Output:

The command outputs a description of what the crane config command does, along with various flags and arguments you can use.

  crane config [options] image_name

Get the configuration of an image

  -h, --help   Show help information and exit

For more information, visit:


The crane config command is a useful utility for inspecting the configurations of container images directly, without needing to download and inspect image files manually. By obtaining JSON-formatted configuration data, users can gain insights into image setups, such as environment variables or command configurations, potentially aiding in audits and ensuring deployments behave as expected. The availability of a help option further ensures that even those new to the tool can quickly come up to speed with its usage.

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