How to Use the Command 'crane flatten' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane flatten' (with Examples)

The crane flatten command is a utility in the Go container registry tool suite provided by Google, designed to manipulate container images. Specifically, this command consolidates all the layers of a container image into a single layer. This process is known as “flattening.” This can be beneficial when optimizing an image for deployment, reducing complexity, or encouraging consistent behavior across different container hosts. The command can also update the tags on the flattened image or retain the original repository’s digest when no tags are specified.

Use Case 1: Flatten an Image


crane flatten IMAGE_NAME

Motivation: Flattening a container image can be particularly useful in scenarios where reducing the number of layers can lead to performance improvements. Each layer in a container image can represent a filesystem change, making it possible for software deployments to become complex and inefficient. By flattening an image, we can mitigate some of these potential issues, leading to a potentially smaller and more manageable container image that is easier to distribute.


  • crane is the command-line tool being used here.
  • flatten is the specific command that flattens the image layers into one.
  • IMAGE_NAME represents the name of the image you want to flatten.

Example Output: Upon successfully flattening the image, the user may not see extensive terminal output beyond an indication of success, such as Flattened image pushed to IMAGE_NAME with digest sha256:abcd1234.

Use Case 2: Apply New Tag to Flattened Image


crane flatten -t new_tag IMAGE_NAME

Motivation: Applying a new tag to the flattened image is crucial for version control and organization. It allows developers and operations teams to clearly identify and refer to specific states or versions of a containerized application. By adding a descriptive tag, teams can understand the purpose or differentiate versions of the image, making it easier to manage deployments at scale.


  • crane is the tool being used.
  • flatten is the action that combines image layers.
  • -t new_tag (or --tag new_tag) specifies the new tag to apply to the flattened image. This option is crucial for further identifying and versioning the image after the flattening process.
  • IMAGE_NAME is the name of the image that you intend to flatten and re-tag.

Example Output: After executing this command, a message confirming successful tagging may be seen, such as Flattened image pushed to IMAGE_NAME:new_tag with digest sha256:efgh5678.

Use Case 3: Display Help


crane flatten -h

Motivation: Understanding the command’s various options and usages is critical, especially for new users or those handling complex deployment scenarios. Displaying help documentation directly from the command line provides quick and contextually relevant information that can assist users in properly utilizing the crane flatten command.


  • crane refers to the command-line tool.
  • flatten is the command for which help is sought.
  • -h (or --help) displays the help documentation related to crane flatten, including usage instructions, options, and arguments.

Example Output: Executing this command should output a helpful guide, similar to:

Usage of crane flatten:
  -t, --tag string
        Specify a tag to apply to the resulting image.
-h, --help
        Show this help message and exit.


The crane flatten command is a versatile tool for managing container images. By flattening images, adding new tags, or seeking help for usage instructions, users can handle containerized applications more efficiently. Each use case above demonstrates the command’s utility in optimizing and organizing container images for deployment. The flatten strategy also ensures a more streamlined approach to examining and deploying container layers, contributing to best practices in container management.

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