How to use the command `crane index append` (with examples)

How to use the command `crane index append` (with examples)

The crane index append command is a powerful utility within the crane tool suite, developed under the Google Go Container Registry. It enables users to append Docker or OCI image manifests to a remote index, essentially allowing them to build up image indexes by adding new image manifests into an existing one or creating one from scratch. This is especially useful for developers and operators managing complex container registry setups, who need greater flexibility in managing container image indexes.

Use case 1: Append manifest to a remote index


crane index append

Motivation: Using this command without any additional flags is a straightforward way to append manifests to a remote index. This is beneficial when a default operation is enough, such as when you don’t need to specify particular tags or manipulate the index structure. This scenario focuses on basic use without specifying additional parameters that modify default behavior.


  • The command itself, crane index append, is invoked without any additional options, meaning it takes the simplest form of appending a manifest to a remote index.

Example output:

Successfully appended manifest to remote index.

Use case 2: Reference to manifests to append to the base index


crane index append -m manifest_name1 manifest_name2

Motivation: Specifying manifests to append is crucial when dealing with multiple image layers or versions. By selecting particular manifests, you define a precise set of changes you want in your remote index. This ensures that only the intended images are included, which is essential in maintaining control over what gets deployed or made accessible.


  • -m or --manifest: This flag allows the user to specify the exact manifests to append to the base index. Here, manifest_name1 and manifest_name2 represent the manifests you wish to add. Using this parameter ensures that the base index only receives these specific additions, making it clear and deliberate in terms of version control and deployment strategies.

Example output:

Appended manifest_name1 and manifest_name2 to remote index.

Use case 3: Tag to apply to resulting image


crane index append -t new_tag

Motivation: Tagging the resulting image index is essential for version control and ease of reference. A tag acts as an identifier for the new state of the index, making it easier for users and automated systems to pull the specific versions they require. This is particularly important in continuous integration and deployment pipelines.


  • -t or --tag: This flag is used to apply a specific tag to the resulting image index. Here, new_tag is the name you give to the new state of your index. It allows easy reference and retrieval of this particular index configuration in the future.

Example output:

Appended manifests to remote index and applied tag 'new_tag'.

Use case 4: Empty base index will have Docker media types instead of OCI


crane index append --docker-empty-base

Motivation: In certain scenarios, maintaining compatibility with older systems or specific infrastructure requirements necessitates using Docker media types rather than OCI. Using this option allows users to create a new index with Docker types if the base index is empty.


  • --docker-empty-base: This flag directs the command to prefer Docker media types over OCI when the base index is empty, ensuring alignment with infrastructures or workflows that depend on Docker’s legacy systems.

Example output:

Created index with Docker media types for empty base index.

Use case 5: Append each of its children rather than the index itself (defaults true)


crane index append --flatten

Motivation: Flattening the index by appending each manifest individually can significantly impact how index data is structured and accessed. This approach can simplify the retrieval and deployment of specific image components, which is beneficial in modular or microservice-oriented architectures.


  • --flatten: When used, this option controls whether to append each of its children rather than the index itself. By default (true), each child manifest is treated individually, allowing more granular manipulation and retrieval.

Example output:

Appended each child manifest to the remote index separately.

Use case 6: Display help


crane index append -h

Motivation: Accessing the help documentation is crucial for understanding the full range of functionalities and options available with the crane index append command. This is beneficial for both novices and experienced users, providing a reference point for correct and efficient command use.


  • -h or --help: This flag triggers the display of help information related to the crane index append command, outlining all available flags, options, and descriptions to assist users in command execution.

Example output:

Usage of crane index append:
  -m, --manifest strings   Manifests to append to the base index.
  -t, --tag string         Tag to apply to the resulting image.
  [Additional options listed here...]


The crane index append command is a versatile tool in the Docker and OCI image management landscape. By enabling users to append manifests, tag resulting indexes, and alter index media types and structures, it provides a powerful means to manage container registry setups. Understanding and utilizing its various use cases can aid developers and operators in optimizing their workflows and maintaining organized container environments.

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