How to Use the Command 'crane index' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane index' (with examples)

The crane index command is a part of the crane toolset from Google’s Go Container Registry. It is specifically designed for modifying container image indexes. An image index is a collection of multiple container images, typically used for multi-platform images. Using crane index, developers can append or filter out specific images from these indexes, allowing for more dynamic and flexible image management and deployment strategies.

Use Case 1: Modify an Image Index


crane index

The primary motivation behind using the crane index command without any subcommands or arguments is to have a foundational understanding of its capabilities. Developers, especially those new to using crane or dealing with container images, can start here to familiarize themselves with the basic operation of the command. Understanding its default behavior is essential before diving into more complex functionalities involving appending or filtering specific images.

When executed without any specific subcommands or additional flags, crane index serves as the base command upon which further operations like appending new images or filtering existing ones can be built. It sets the context for image index modifications, acting as a precursor to more specific actions.

Example Output:
The command in its simplest form will typically not produce any direct output since it primarily sets up the base for further operations. It may show a usage message or simply exit, indicating that additional subcommands or arguments are necessary for meaningful execution.

Use Case 2: Modify an Image Index with Subcommand


crane index append

In scenarios where an existing image index must be updated with additional images, the append subcommand is crucial. Developers often need to extend their application’s platform support or simply update their existing images. Using crane index append, they can seamlessly integrate new images into an existing index without the need for entirely recreating the index from scratch.


  • crane: This is the main command-line tool offering various utilities for managing container images.
  • index: As a subgroup within the crane command, it signifies operations related to image indexes.
  • append: This is a specific subcommand under index that targets the operation of adding new images to an existing index.

Example Output:
The output will generally confirm that a given image has been successfully appended to the index, or it may include logs describing the process such as, “Image appended to index ”.

Use Case 3: Display Help


crane index -h


crane index --help

Displaying help documentation is essential when learning new commands or when needing to recall optional arguments and subcommands. The help option provides a summary of how the crane index command can be applied, the subcommands it supports, and what arguments/options are available. For anyone trying to troubleshoot or gain a comprehensive understanding of the command, accessing help is an indispensable first step.


  • -h or --help: These flags invoke the help documentation for the command. Both are standard conventions across many command-line tools that offer quick access to detailed usage instructions.

Example Output:
Executing the help command will typically yield a detailed display of the command’s usage syntax, optional arguments, and potentially some examples of how the command can be used. The output may appear as follows:

crane index: Modify an image index.
  crane index [flags]
  -h, --help   Show help for the crane index command
  append       Append an image to an index
  filter       Filter images from an index
More information:


The crane index command is a powerful part of the crane toolkit, focused on modifying image indexes which are critical for managing multi-platform or complex containerized applications. From understanding its base functionality, utilizing subcommands like append, to effectively leveraging the help documentation, users can efficiently manage container image distributions. This enhances their ability to deploy changes quickly, add support for additional platforms, and maintain clean and efficient image libraries.

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