How to Use the Command 'crane manifest' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane manifest' (with examples)

The crane manifest command is part of the crane tool, which is a versatile command-line utility for managing container images. Specifically, the crane manifest command is used to retrieve the manifest of a container image. A manifest in the context of container images is a JSON document that describes an image, providing essential metadata including layers, environment settings, and other configurations. This command is critical for users who need to inspect and verify image contents or dependencies, making it a significant tool for developers and system administrators working with containerization technologies.

Use case 1: Get the manifest


crane manifest image_name


Retrieving the manifest of a container image is a crucial step in understanding the composition of an image. It allows developers and operations team members to verify that the image contains the expected layers and configurations. This is particularly important in environments where security and consistency are paramount, as the manifest includes digests that can ensure the integrity and authenticity of the image. By examining the manifest, professionals can uncover dependencies and confirm compliance with organizational or industry standards.


  • crane: This is the command-line tool that provides various functionalities for container image manipulation and inspection. It is part of the Google Container Registry toolkit.

  • manifest: This specifies the particular command within crane that you wish to execute, which in this case is to retrieve and display the manifest of a container image.

  • image_name: This represents the specific container image whose manifest you wish to examine. It usually includes the name of the repository and the tag/version of the image you are interested in.

Example Output:

The output will be a JSON document containing information such as the schema version, media type, the individual layers that make up the image, configuration objects, size of layers, and their respective digests. Here is a simulated example:

  "schemaVersion": 2,
  "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
  "config": {
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
    "digest": "sha256:2c0957f43e88d05bd5bccd7c00ef17cbf10a739732ec0f85c9b7865985d57bb7",
    "size": 7023
  "layers": [
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
      "digest": "sha256:4a1345..",
      "size": 785

Use case 2: Display help


crane manifest -h


crane manifest --help


Understanding the full capabilities and options of a command is vitally important for effective use. Displaying the help information for crane manifest provides a comprehensive overview of all available options, flags, and their explanations. This is crucial for both new and experienced users to understand and utilize the command efficiently. It also helps troubleshoot or clarify any misunderstandings related to command parameters and expected behavior.


  • crane: As before, this represents the tool that provides image-related functionalities.

  • manifest: Denotes the particular sub-command intended for retrieving and interacting with image manifests.

  • -h or --help: These flags instruct crane to display the help information related to the manifest command. This includes a list of options and a brief description of the command.

Example Output:

The output typically includes a description of what the crane manifest command does, a list of options for executing the command, and possibly examples of usage for further clarity. For example:

Usage: crane manifest [options] image

Get the manifest of an image.

  -h, --help   Show help for the crane manifest command.


Understanding and utilizing the crane manifest command effectively empowers developers and system administrators to inspect and verify container images in-depth. Whether retrieving detailed metadata of container images for auditing and verification or exploring the available commands and flags through help information, the use cases of crane manifest are vital in maintaining secure and stable containerized environments.

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