How to use the command 'crane rebase' (with examples)

How to use the command 'crane rebase' (with examples)

The crane rebase command is a powerful tool from Google’s go-containerregistry suite, designed to manipulate container images by changing their base image. This functionality is critical in maintaining efficient image storage and keeping images up to date with the latest security patches or performance improvements. Rebasing a container image involves replacing its current base image with a new one, without the need to rebuild the image from scratch.

Rebase an image


crane rebase


Simply executing the crane rebase command without any flags or arguments is rarely practical on its own in real-world scenarios. However, it serves an educational purpose. Running this command in isolation is a useful way for developers to familiarize themselves with the CLI tool. In many CLI tools, running the base command without flags often provides a quick guide or executes a standard operation. Understanding the default behaviors when no arguments are specified is crucial, and it serves as a starting point for more complex operations.


The command reaches for a basic execution and checks for default parameters that might be set within its configuration or environment. It’s important to recognize that in a no-argument mode, crane rebase might either provide a failure message because required arguments (like the old or new base images) are missing, or it might assume default images set within a configuration or environment, if any exist.

Example Output:

In most typical scenarios, executing this command without further specifications will result in an output indicating the need for additional information. For example:

Error: 'old_base' and 'new_base' flags are required

Rebase with a new base image


crane rebase --new_base alpine:latest


Utilizing the --new_base flag allows developers to specify a new base image directly. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the new base image has just received significant updates, such as important security patches or performance enhancements. By rebasing directly onto this new image, organizations can immediately benefit from these changes without altering the rest of their application stack.


  • crane rebase: Initiates the rebasing command.
  • --new_base alpine:latest: Specifies alpine:latest as the new base image, meaning the rebasing process will replace the current base image with this latest version of Alpine Linux.

Example Output:

Rebasing complete. The new base image alpine:latest has been applied.

Rebase by removing the old base image


crane rebase --old_base ubuntu:18.04


The --old_base flag is instrumental when you need to explicitly remove an outdated or deprecated base image from an existing container image. This is typically required when a base image has reached its end of life, and continued dependence on it might pose security risks or incompatibility issues. Removing the outdated base ensures that legacy vulnerabilities do not propagate through your container stack.


  • crane rebase: Suggests the rebasing action.
  • --old_base ubuntu:18.04: Specifies the old base image which is to be removed from the current configuration of the container image.

Example Output:

Old base image ubuntu:18.04 removed. Please specify a new base image.

Apply a tag to the rebased image


crane rebase --new_base debian:buster -t myapp:rebased-v2


Tagging is an essential part of Docker and container best practices, as it facilitates easier versioning and management. With the --tag flag, you can assign a meaningful and traceable tag to your newly rebased image. This step ensures that anyone pulling this image knows it has been modified and is different from the original base. Tagging the image as rebased-v2 provides clarity that this is a second version after a rebase operation, aiding in deployment and rollback scenarios.


  • crane rebase: Initiates the command for rebasing.
  • --new_base debian:buster: Sets debian:buster as the new base image.
  • -t myapp:rebased-v2: Applies the tag rebased-v2 to the new image, indicating the operation completed and this version is tagged accordingly.

Example Output:

Rebase complete with new base debian:buster. Image tagged as myapp:rebased-v2.

Display help information


crane rebase -h


Viewing the help documentation is invaluable for both new and experienced users. As command-line utilities often include a range of options and flags, understanding what is available and how to use each option correctly can significantly enhance usability and effectiveness. By reviewing the help information, users can quickly become familiar with the command’s full functionality and any specific requirements for its use.


  • crane rebase: References the rebasing function within the crane tool.
  • -h: Triggers the display of help documentation specific to the rebasing command, outlining usage, flags, and examples.

Example Output:

Usage: crane rebase --new_base NEW_BASE --old_base OLD_BASE [OPTIONS]
Rebase an image onto a new base image.

  --new_base NEW_BASE  The new base image to use
  --old_base OLD_BASE  The old base image to remove
  -t, --tag TAG        Tag to apply to the rebased image
  -h, --help           Display this help message


The crane rebase command offers a streamlined method for updating and maintaining container images by changing their base layers. This tool allows for sophisticated manipulation of images, enhancing performance and addressing security concerns without the need for complete immersion in the intricacies of Docker image build processes. Each example demonstrates specific uses, contributing to overall system optimization and security compliance efforts. Whether removing outdated images, updating to newly refined bases, or tagging rebased images for clarity, crane rebase provides essential functionality for modern DevOps practices.

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