How to Use the Command 'crane tag' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'crane tag' (with Examples)

The crane tag command is a part of the crane tool from Google’s go-containerregistry project, which provides a variety of tools for working with container images. The crane tag command specifically allows users to assign a new tag to an existing remote container image without the need to download it. This is particularly useful because it bypasses unnecessary layer existence checks, optimizing efficiency and speed, unlike the copy command. This command is a must-have tool for developers and DevOps engineers who frequently work with container repositories, as it streamlines the tagging process significantly.

Use case 1: Tag Remote Image


crane tag image_name tag_name


Imagine a scenario where you’re managing container images on a remote registry and you need to update or add a tag to a specific image. This is particularly common in environments where new version tags need to be deployed quickly, or an alias tag such as latest needs to be updated to point to a new image manifest. In traditional workflows, tagging might require pulling the image locally, applying the new tag, and then pushing it back to the repository, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. The crane tag command eliminates these steps by allowing you to directly tag the remote image, thus saving time and bandwidth.


  • crane: This is the tool from the go-containerregistry package that provides functionality to manage container images.
  • tag: This subcommand of crane specifies that you’re assigning a new tag to an image.
  • image_name: This argument represents the fully qualified name of the remote container image you want to tag. This includes the repository and often the registry, such as
  • tag_name: This is the new tag you wish to assign to the image. It can be a descriptive label that helps identify the specific use or version of the image, such as v1.2 or latest.

Example output:

While the crane tag command does not provide an output unless there is an error, you can verify the success of the operation by checking the image repository. You should see the new tag associated with the intended image.

Use case 2: Display Help


crane tag -h


crane tag --help


For those new to using crane or who need a refresher on the crane tag command’s capabilities and options, accessing the help documentation is invaluable. This feature is essential for understanding the full range of functionalities offered by the command, including optional parameters, expected input formats, and advanced usage notes. This can make the process of learning and utilizing the command much smoother and more efficient.


  • crane: As before, this specifies the tool you’re using.
  • tag: This instructs crane that you are looking into functions related to tagging images.
  • -h or --help: These flags prompt crane to display help documentation directly in the terminal. The information typically includes a summary of the command’s purpose, syntax, and any available flags or options.

Example output:

Executing the help command with -h or --help will display an output similar to the following in your terminal:

crane tag - Tag a remote container image

  crane tag <image> <tag-options>

  -h, --help   display help for the crane tag command
  crane tag v2.0
  crane tag -h

This output provides a quick reference to how the command is used and any optional arguments you might employ to suit your needs.


The crane tag command offers a streamlined and efficient way to manage image tags remotely, avoiding unnecessary downloads and network traffic. For engineers and developers striving to optimize their container management workflows, understanding and utilizing this tool can result in significant time and resource savings, enhancing productivity and efficiency. With the ability to quickly access help documentation, users can smoothly integrate crane tag into their regular operations.

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