How to Use the Command 'crunch' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'crunch' (with examples)

Crunch is a powerful wordlist generator commonly used in various fields like cybersecurity, data analysis, and password recovery. It offers extensive customization, allowing users to generate words or strings based on specified parameters like length, character set, or specific patterns. Crunch’s flexibility makes it an indispensable tool for generating potential passwords, testing systems, or any application requiring exhaustive lists of strings or words.

Use Case 1: Generating Words with Specific Length Constraints


crunch 1 3


Suppose you are testing an application where passwords can be as simple as a single letter or as complex as three letters. In this scenario, it’s crucial to generate a comprehensive wordlist covering all permutations within this size range to test the application’s security thoroughly.


  • 1 3: This indicates that the wordlist should contain words with a minimum length of 1 character and a maximum length of 3 characters. When not specified, the character set defaults to lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z).

Example Output:


This output shows a sequence of letters, starting from single characters and concluding with three-character combinations, exhausting all permutations within the given length range.

Use Case 2: Generating a List of Hexadecimal Words


crunch 8 8 0123456789abcdef


In cybersecurity, analysts often need to test hexadecimal-based systems or cryptographic keys. In such cases, preparing a list of hexadecimal combinations, each precisely 8 characters in length, can be paramount for rigorous testing or brute force attempts.


  • 8 8: This denotes that the resulting words will have a fixed length of 8 characters.
  • 0123456789abcdef: This string specifies the character set used to generate the words, limited to hexadecimal characters (0-9, a-f).

Example Output:


Here, each line represents a unique hexadecimal string of exactly 8 characters, encompassing all permutations from 00000000 to ffffffff.

Use Case 3: Permuting a Set of Letters


crunch 1 1 -p abc


In some contexts, testing all possible arrangements (permutations) of a given small set of characters can be vital. For example, generating all permutations of a short key such as “abc” can assist in understanding system behavior with specific inputs.


  • 1 1: Length specification here is ignored because the permutation option -p overrides it.
  • -p abc: This tells crunch to provide every possible permutation for the characters a, b, and c.

Example Output:


Each output line is a permutation of the characters given, ordered systematically to cover all possible combinations.

Use Case 4: Permuting Multiple Strings


crunch 1 1 -p abc def ghi


Generating permutations of multiple distinct strings can be particularly useful when passwords or test cases involve different key elements. This approach combines each string uniquely to assess their combined permutations’ effect on system interactions.


  • 1 1: Again, this is a dummy argument as permutations ignore length constraints.
  • -p abc def ghi: Shows crunch to compute permutations across the given strings “abc”, “def”, and “ghi.”

Example Output:

abc def ghi
abc ghi def
def abc ghi
def ghi abc
ghi abc def
ghi def abc

This output includes all permutations taking three complete strings instead of just individual characters, facilitating comprehensive testing strategies.

Use Case 5: Generating Words with a Specific Pattern


crunch 5 5 abcde123 -t @@@12 -d 2@


In cases where password policy enforces specific patterns, generating word lists with such patterns can be pivotal for testing. For instance, when passwords must start with three alphabetical characters followed by numeric literals, having a pattern-based approach helps simulate real-world password obfuscations.


  • 5 5: Generates words of precise length 5.
  • abcde123: Sets available characters including ‘a’ to ’e’ and ‘1’ to ‘3’.
  • -t @@@12: Utilizes a pattern where the first three spots (@@@) are filled by alphabetic characters and follows it by ‘1’ and ‘2’.
  • -d 2@: Restricts ‘@’ character reappearance to 2 times max in each word.

Example Output:


Words generated adhere strictly to the pattern, helping to test situations sensitive to very specific character arrangements.

Use Case 6: Writing Wordlist in Chunks with a Specific Size


crunch 3 5 -o START -b 10kb -s abc


When creating extensive word lists that might overwhelm system memory, generating lists in manageable chunks is beneficial. This process divides lists into smaller pieces, for instance, 10kb files, accommodating system constraints in terms of file manipulation and size efficiency.


  • 3 5: Indicates the word lengths range between 3 to 5.
  • -o START: Defines the prefix for the output filenames.
  • -b 10kb: Specifies 10 kilobytes as the target chunk size.
  • -s abc: The generation begins at the permutation starting with “abc”.

Example Output:


This output produces segmented files prefixed with ‘START’, each fitting within the 10kb constraint until the list exhausts.

Use Case 7: Writing a Wordlist, Stopping and Inverting Order


crunch 1 5 -o START -e abcde -i


When testing systems in reverse order or prioritizing particular end strings, creating an inverted word list becomes vital. This method allows streamlined tests by processing strings backward or concentrating on specified endpoints.


  • 1 5: Generates words across 1 to 5 characters.
  • -o START: Specifies the prefix for naming output files.
  • -e abcde: Ends list generation with “abcde”.
  • -i: This flag indicates output inversion.

Example Output:


The result illustrates a reversed order list termination by “abcde”—useful in certain brute-force scenarios.

Use Case 8: Compressing Wordlists into Chunks


crunch 1 5 -o START -c 1000 -z gzip


System resources can be constrained by large data sets in wordlists. Compressing the outputs reduces disk space usage and enhances ease of transfer or storage, paving the way for wider distribution without heavy data overhead.


  • 1 5: Specifies producing words with lengths ranging from 1 to 5.
  • -o START: Sets the initial segment for file naming.
  • -c 1000: Directs each chunk to contain a precise number of 1000 words.
  • -z gzip: Utilizes gzip compression for outputs.

Example Output:

START.gz (compressed file containing chunks of words)

Compressed files simplify storage management with optimal compression, demonstrative of effective data handling strategies with crunch.


Crunch proves to be a versatile command-line tool for generating wordlists with personalized attributes. From character-specific lists, permutations, and size-based chunking to pattern-based outputs, crunch accommodates various needs in meticulously forming tailored wordlists. Its functionality finds relevance in cybersecurity, data testing, and password psychology, aiding rigorous system evaluations or exploratory analyses—efficaciously harnessing crunch promises comprehensive insights and utilities.

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