Cryptcat Command Examples (with Examples)

Cryptcat Command Examples (with Examples)

Cryptcat is a powerful tool that adds encryption capabilities to netcat, a command-line utility that allows for easy network communication. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the cryptcat command and provide code examples for each case.

1: Listening and Printing Received Data


cryptcat -k password -l -p port


This use case is helpful when you want to listen on a specific port and print any data received. By providing the password and port number, cryptcat will act as a server and print out any data that is sent to it.


  • -k password: Specifies the password for encryption.
  • -l: Tells cryptcat to listen for incoming connections.
  • -p port: Specifies the port number to listen on.

Example Output:

If we execute the above command with a password of “mypassword” and port number 1234, cryptcat will start listening on port 1234. Any data received on this port will be printed to the terminal.

2: Connecting to a Certain Port


cryptcat -k password ip_address port


This use case allows you to connect to a specific port on a remote host. By providing the password, IP address, and port number, cryptcat will establish a connection and allow for secure communication.


  • -k password: Specifies the password for encryption.
  • ip_address: The IP address of the remote host.
  • port: The port number to connect to.

Example Output:

If we execute the above command with a password of “mypassword”, the IP address of, and port number 4321, cryptcat will establish a secure connection to the remote host at on port 4321.

3: Setting a Timeout


cryptcat -k password -w timeout_in_seconds ip_address port


Setting a timeout is useful when you want to specify the maximum amount of time cryptcat should wait for a connection. This prevents the command from hanging indefinitely if the connection cannot be established.


  • -k password: Specifies the password for encryption.
  • -w timeout_in_seconds: Sets the timeout in seconds.
  • ip_address: The IP address of the remote host.
  • port: The port number to connect to.

Example Output:

If we execute the above command with a password of “mypassword”, a timeout of 10 seconds, the IP address of, and port number 4321, cryptcat will attempt to establish a connection. If the connection cannot be established within 10 seconds, cryptcat will exit with an error message.

4: Scanning Open Ports


cryptcat -v -z ip_address port


Port scanning is a common technique used to discover open ports on a target system. This use case allows you to scan for open ports on a specified host.


  • -v: Enables verbose output.
  • -z: Specifies that cryptcat should scan for open ports.
  • ip_address: The IP address of the host to scan.
  • port: The port number to scan.

Example Output:

If we execute the above command with the IP address of and port number 80, cryptcat will scan the host at for open port 80. If the port is open, cryptcat will print a message indicating the successful connection.

5: Acting as a Proxy Server


cryptcat -k password -l -p local_port | cryptcat -k password hostname remote_port


This use case allows cryptcat to act as a proxy server, forwarding data from a local TCP port to a remote host. It enables secure communication between the local and remote systems.


  • -k password: Specifies the password for encryption.
  • -l: Tells cryptcat to listen for incoming connections.
  • -p local_port: Specifies the local port number to listen on.
  • hostname: The hostname of the remote system.
  • remote_port: The port number on the remote system to forward the data to.

Example Output:

If we execute the above command with a password of “mypassword”, a local port of 1234, the hostname of, and a remote port of 80, cryptcat will act as a proxy server. Any data received on the local port 1234 will be encrypted and forwarded to on port 80.

In this article, we explored different use cases of the cryptcat command and provided code examples for each case. Cryptcat is a versatile tool that can be used for secure communication and port scanning.

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