How to Use the Command 'cryptsetup' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'cryptsetup' (with examples)

The cryptsetup command-line utility is an indispensable tool for managing disk encryption on Linux systems. It is used to configure LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encrypted volumes. This allows you to secure data by encrypting entire partitions or disks, ensuring that the data stored is protected from unauthorized access. This powerful command can initialize LUKS volumes, open encrypted storage, display status information, remove mappings, and manage encrypted volume keys. Each use case illustrated below offers practical instances where cryptsetup can be applied effectively.

Use Case 1: Initialize a LUKS Volume with a Passphrase


cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdXY


Initialization of a LUKS volume is often the first step in securing a partition or disk. Encrypting a partition with LUKS ensures that all the data stored is inaccessible without the correct passphrase. This is particularly critical when dealing with sensitive information, such as personal data or confidential company documents, on a laptop or portable drive that could be lost or stolen.


  • cryptsetup: The command-line utility used for managing disk encryption.
  • luksFormat: A subcommand used to format a disk or partition with LUKS encryption.
  • /dev/sdXY: Represents the specific device or partition to be encrypted. Replace “sdXY” with the appropriate device identifier on your system.

Example Output:

This will overwrite data on /dev/sdXY irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter passphrase for /dev/sdXY: 
Verify passphrase: 

Use Case 2: Open a LUKS Volume and Create a Decrypted Mapping


cryptsetup open /dev/sdXY mapping_name


Once a LUKS volume is initialized and encrypted, the next step is often to access the encrypted data. By opening a LUKS volume, you create a decrypted view or mapping, allowing you to read and write data seamlessly as if it were not encrypted. This is crucial for anyone needing to frequently access and modify the encrypted data.


  • cryptsetup: The command-line utility used for managing disk encryption.
  • open: Subcommand for opening an encrypted volume and creating a decrypted device mapping.
  • /dev/sdXY: Represents the specific encrypted device or partition to access.
  • mapping_name: The name under which the decrypted view will be available in the /dev/mapper/ directory.

Example Output:

Enter passphrase for /dev/sdXY: 

Use Case 3: Display Information About a Mapping


cryptsetup status mapping_name


Understanding the current status of your decrypted volume mapping is key in management and troubleshooting tasks. Using this command provides insights into the state of the volume, helps verify if it was opened correctly, and checks for any errors. It’s particularly useful for system administrators who manage multiple encrypted volumes and need to account for each one’s status.


  • cryptsetup: The command-line utility used for managing disk encryption.
  • status: A subcommand to view the current state of the opened encrypted volume.
  • mapping_name: The name of the decrypted mapping whose status is required.

Example Output:

/dev/mapper/mapping_name is active.
  type: LUKS1
  cipher: aes-xts-plain64
  keysize: 256 bits
  device: /dev/sdXY
  offset: 4096 sectors
  size: 204800 sectors
  mode: read/write

Use Case 4: Remove an Existing Mapping


cryptsetup close mapping_name


After you have finished accessing your encrypted data, it’s critical to secure your system by closing the decrypted mapping. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures the security of the data once more. This step is part of good security hygiene, especially in environments where sensitive information is handled.


  • cryptsetup: The command-line utility used for managing disk encryption.
  • close: A subcommand that removes a decrypted mapping, effectively re-encrypting the view.
  • mapping_name: The name of the decrypted mapping to be closed.

Example Output:

Output will be empty, indicating success, or an error if the mapping could not be closed.

Use Case 5: Change a LUKS Volume’s Passphrase


cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sdXY


Changing the passphrase of a LUKS volume is vital for maintaining the security of encrypted data, especially if you suspect that the current passphrase may have been compromised or after a certain period as a security measure. Regularly updating passphrases minimizes the risks associated with unauthorized access.


  • cryptsetup: The command-line utility used for managing disk encryption.
  • luksChangeKey: A subcommand that changes the passphrase of an encrypted LUKS volume.
  • /dev/sdXY: Represents the specific encrypted device or partition whose passphrase is being changed.

Example Output:

Enter passphrase to be changed: 
Enter new passphrase for key slot: 
Verify passphrase: 


The cryptsetup tool is powerful, versatile, and essential for Linux users who wish to maintain stringent security standards for their data. By managing LUKS encryption, it helps protect sensitive information against unauthorized access. Each use case described illustrates a foundational operation in the lifecycle of handling encrypted storage, from initialization to secure access and management. Legal and security compliance often necessitate such tools, making them invaluable in personal, professional, and enterprise environments alike.

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