Using the Coursier Command (with examples)

Using the Coursier Command (with examples)

Coursier is a command-line tool for managing Scala applications and setting up the Scala development environment. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the coursier command and provide code examples to illustrate each use case.

1: Display Version

To display the version of Coursier installed on your system, you can use the cs version command.

cs version

Motivation: It is important to know the version of Coursier installed on your system, especially when troubleshooting issues or checking for updates.

Example Output:

Coursier version 3.1.0-RC6-27

2: Show a List of Installed Applications

The cs list command allows you to view a list of Scala applications installed on your system using Coursier.

cs list

Motivation: This can be useful when you want to check the installed Scala applications or verify if a specific application is already installed.

Example Output:

Installed Scala Applications:
- sbt version 1.5.5
- ammonite-repl version 2.4.0

3: Install a Specific Application

To install a specific Scala application, you can use the cs install command followed by the name of the application.

cs install application_name

Motivation: Installing a specific Scala application using Coursier allows you to easily manage dependencies and ensure that the application is properly installed and configured.


cs install sbt

Example Output:

Fetching dependencies...
Downloading sbt version 1.5.5...
Installed sbt version 1.5.5

4: Uninstall a Specific Application

The cs uninstall command allows you to uninstall a specific Scala application that was installed using Coursier.

cs uninstall application_name

Motivation: Uninstalling an application removes it from your system, freeing up disk space and ensuring that it is no longer available for use.


cs uninstall ammonite-repl

Example Output:

Uninstalling ammonite-repl...
Removed ammonite-repl version 2.4.0

5: Setup Machine for Scala Development

To set up your machine for Scala development, you can use the cs setup command. This command installs and configures the necessary tools and dependencies required for Scala development.

cs setup

Motivation: The cs setup command simplifies the process of setting up a development environment for Scala, ensuring that all the required tools and dependencies are installed correctly.

Example Output:

Setting up machine for Scala development...
Downloaded and installed Java version 11.0.12
Downloaded and installed Scala version 2.13.7
Installation complete

6: Update Installed Applications

To update all the installed Scala applications, you can use the cs update command. This command checks for updates of the installed applications and installs the latest versions.

cs update

Motivation: Updating installed applications is important to ensure that you have the latest bug fixes, improvements, and security patches.

Example Output:

Checking for updates...
Updated sbt from version 1.5.4 to 1.5.5
All applications are up to date

In this article, we have explored various use cases of the Coursier command. With code examples for each use case, you should now have a good understanding of how to manage Scala applications and set up your Scala development environment using Coursier.

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