How to use the command 'cs fetch' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cs fetch' (with examples)

The ‘cs fetch’ command is used to fetch the JARs of one or more dependencies. It is a useful command for retrieving specific JARs, evaluating classpaths, and fetching sources and javadoc JARs.

Use case 1: Fetch a specific version of a jar


cs fetch group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

Motivation: In order to retrieve a specific version of a JAR for a particular group and artifact, this command is used. This is useful when you need to work with a specific version of a library or when you want to ensure compatibility with a certain version.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is followed by the group ID, artifact ID, and version of the JAR you want to fetch. These identifiers are used to specify the specific JAR you want to retrieve.

Example Output:


Use case 2: Fetch a package and evaluate the classpath corresponding to the selected package in an env var


CP="$(cs fetch --classpath org.scalameta::scalafmt-cli:latest.release)"

Motivation: This use case helps in fetching a package and evaluating the classpath corresponding to that package. This is useful when you need to work with a specific package and want to access its classpath.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is used with the option ‘–classpath’ to fetch a package and evaluate its classpath. The package is specified as ‘org.scalameta::scalafmt-cli:latest.release’.

Example Output:

Fetched organization.package:package:1.2.3
Classpath: classpath:/path/to/jar.jar

Use case 3: Fetch a source of a specific jar


cs fetch --sources group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

Motivation: This use case helps in fetching the source code of a specific JAR. This is useful when you need to explore the source code of a library or analyze it for debugging purposes.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is used with the option ‘–sources’ to fetch the source of a specific JAR. The group ID, artifact ID, and version are provided to specify the JAR you want the source for.

Example Output:

Fetched sources for
Source files: /path/to/source/files/

Use case 4: Fetch the javadoc jars


cs fetch --javadoc group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

Motivation: This use case helps in fetching the Javadoc JARs of a specific dependency. This is useful when you want to access the Javadoc documentation for a particular library in order to understand its usage and API.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is used with the option ‘–javadoc’ to fetch the Javadoc JARs of a specific dependency. The group ID, artifact ID, and version are provided to specify the JAR you want the Javadoc for.

Example Output:

Fetched Javadoc for
Javadoc files: /path/to/javadoc/files/

Use case 5: Fetch dependency with javadoc jars and source jars


cs fetch --default=true --sources --javadoc group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version

Motivation: This use case helps in fetching a dependency along with its Javadoc and source JARs. This is useful when you need to access not only the JAR itself but also the corresponding documentation and source code for better understanding and development.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is used with the options ‘–default=true’, ‘–sources’, and ‘–javadoc’ to fetch a dependency with its Javadoc and source JARs. The group ID, artifact ID, and version are provided to specify the dependency.

Example Output:

Fetched along with its Javadoc and source JARs
Jar: /path/to/jar.jar
Javadoc files: /path/to/javadoc/files/
Source files: /path/to/source/files/

Use case 6: Fetch jars coming from dependency files


cs fetch --dependency-file path/to/file1 --dependency-file path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: This use case helps in fetching JARs that are listed in dependency files. This is useful when you have a dependency file that contains multiple dependencies, and you want to fetch all of them in one command.

Explanation: The command ‘cs fetch’ is used with the option ‘–dependency-file’ to specify one or more dependency files. This command will fetch the JARs mentioned in the dependency files.

Example Output:

Fetched JARs mentioned in path/to/file1 and path/to/file2
JARs: /path/to/jar1.jar, /path/to/jar2.jar, ...


The ‘cs fetch’ command is a versatile tool for retrieving dependencies and their associated files. It provides flexibility in fetching specific versions, evaluating classpaths, accessing sources and Javadoc, and fetching JARs mentioned in dependency files. Understanding and using these different use cases can greatly enhance your development workflow when working with dependencies and their related files.

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