How to use the command csplit (with examples)

How to use the command csplit (with examples)

The csplit command is used to split a file into pieces. It generates files with names like “xx00”, “xx01”, and so on. This command can be useful for splitting large files into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Use case 1: Split a file at lines 5 and 23


csplit path/to/file 5 23

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to split a file at specific line numbers and create separate output files.


  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the file you want to split.
  • 5: Specifies the line number where the first split should occur.
  • 23: Specifies the line number where the second split should occur.

Example output: This will create three output files: xx00, xx01, and xx02. The first file will contain lines 1-4, the second file will contain lines 5-22, and the third file will contain lines 23-end.

Use case 2: Split a file every 5 lines


csplit path/to/file 5 {*}

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to split a file into smaller chunks based on a fixed number of lines.


  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the file you want to split.
  • 5: Specifies the number of lines after which the file should be split.
  • *: This tells csplit to split the file at every 5th line.

Example output: If the total number of lines in the file is divisible by 5, this command will create multiple output files, each containing 5 lines from the original file. If the file has 25 lines, for example, it will create five output files, each with 5 lines.

Use case 3: Split a file every 5 lines, ignoring exact-division error


csplit -k path/to/file 5 {*}

Motivation: If the total number of lines in a file is not divisible by the specified value, csplit will show an error. This use case allows you to ignore the error and split the file regardless.


  • -k: This option tells csplit to ignore any error related to exact-division when splitting the file.
  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the file you want to split.
  • 5: Specifies the number of lines after which the file should be split.
  • *: Tells csplit to split the file at every 5th line.

Example output: This will create multiple output files, each containing 5 lines from the original file. If the file has 25 lines, it will create five output files, with the last file containing only the remaining lines.

Use case 4: Split a file at line 5 and use a custom prefix for the output files


csplit path/to/file 5 -f prefix

Motivation: This use case allows you to split a file at a specific line and provide a custom prefix for the output files, making it easier to identify them.


  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the file you want to split.
  • 5: Specifies the line number where the split should occur.
  • -f prefix: Sets the prefix for the output files. Replace “prefix” with your desired prefix.

Example output: This will create two output files: prefix00 and prefix01. The first file will contain lines 1-4, and the second file will contain lines 5-end.

Use case 5: Split a file at a line matching a regular expression


csplit path/to/file /regular_expression/

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to split a file at a line that matches a specific pattern or regular expression.


  • path/to/file: Replace this with the actual path to the file you want to split.
  • /regular_expression/: Replace “regular_expression” with the desired pattern to match. This can be a simple string or a more complex regular expression.

Example output: This will create two output files: xx00 and xx01. The first file will contain lines up to the line that matches the regular expression, and the second file will contain lines from the matched line to the end.


The csplit command is a versatile tool for splitting files into smaller pieces. By understanding its various use cases and options, you can effectively manipulate and organize your files according to your needs.

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