How to use the command csv2tsv (with examples)

How to use the command csv2tsv (with examples)

This article provides examples and explanations of various use cases of the csv2tsv command.


The csv2tsv command is a tool that allows users to convert CSV (comma-separated) text to TSV (tab-separated) format. It is part of the tsv-utils library. The command offers various options to customize the conversion process, such as specifying a field delimiter or converting semicolon-separated CSV to TSV.

Use case 1: Convert from CSV to TSV


csv2tsv path/to/input_csv1 path/to/input_csv2 ... > path/to/output_tsv

Motivation: Converting CSV files to TSV format can be useful in scenarios where tab-separated values are preferred over comma-separated values. For example, TSV files are commonly used in data analysis and data processing pipelines.


  • path/to/input_csv1 path/to/input_csv2 ... represents the paths to the input CSV files that need to be converted to TSV. You can provide one or multiple input CSV files.
  • > is a redirection operator that redirects the output of the command to the specified output file.
  • path/to/output_tsv is the path where the output TSV file will be saved.

Example Output: The csv2tsv command will read the input CSV file(s) and convert them into TSV format, preserving the data and structure of the original file(s). The resulting TSV file will be saved in the specified output path.

Use case 2: Convert field delimiter separated CSV to TSV


csv2tsv -c'field_delimiter' path/to/input_csv

Motivation: CSV files can have different field delimiters other than a comma, such as a semicolon or a tab. In some cases, it might be necessary to convert field delimiter separated CSV files to TSV format.


  • -c'field_delimiter' is an option that specifies the field delimiter used in the input CSV file. Replace 'field_delimiter' with the actual delimiter character. For example, if the fields in the CSV file are separated by a semicolon, you would use -c';'.
  • path/to/input_csv is the path to the input CSV file that needs to be converted to TSV.

Example Output: The csv2tsv command will convert the specified input CSV file, considering the specified field delimiter, to TSV format. The resulting TSV file will have tab-separated values instead of the original field delimiter.

Use case 3: Convert semicolon separated CSV to TSV


csv2tsv -c';' path/to/input_csv

Motivation: In some cases, CSV files are specifically formatted with semicolon as the field delimiter. Converting such CSV files to TSV format with tab as the delimiter can be useful when working with tools or systems that only accept TSV files.


  • -c';' is an option that specifies the field delimiter used in the input CSV file. In this case, the field delimiter is a semicolon.
  • path/to/input_csv is the path to the input CSV file that needs to be converted to TSV.

Example Output: The csv2tsv command will convert the specified semicolon separated CSV file to TSV format. The resulting TSV file will have tab-separated values instead of semicolon-separated values.


The csv2tsv command is a handy tool for converting CSV files to TSV format. It provides flexibility with options to handle different field delimiters and allows for easy integration into data processing workflows. With the examples provided in this article, users can effectively utilize the power of the csv2tsv command for their specific CSV to TSV conversion needs.

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