Using csvclean to Clean and Validate CSV Files (with examples)

Using csvclean to Clean and Validate CSV Files (with examples)


CSV files are widely used for storing and exchanging tabular data. However, these files can often have syntax errors that can cause issues when reading or processing the data. The csvclean command, which is part of the csvkit package, can help identify and clean common syntax errors in CSV files.

In this article, we will explore two different use cases of the csvclean command:

  1. Cleaning a CSV file
  2. Listing the locations of syntax errors in a CSV file

For each use case, we will provide the command code, a motivation for using the example, an explanation of the arguments, and an example output.

1: Cleaning a CSV file


csvclean bad.csv


The motivation behind cleaning a CSV file is to ensure that it is free of syntax errors before further processing or analysis. Syntax errors can include missing or extra delimiters, quotes, or formatting issues that can disrupt the structure of the data. By cleaning the file with csvclean, we can fix these errors and ensure a valid CSV file.


The csvclean command takes a CSV file as an argument and automatically fixes common syntax errors within the file. It updates the file in-place, overwriting the original file with the cleaned version.

Example Output

Suppose we have a CSV file named bad.csv with the following syntax errors:

"John Doe,"25,"New York"
"Jane Smith",30,"San Francisco"

Running the csvclean bad.csv command would clean the file and generate the following output:

"John Doe",25,"New York"
"Jane Smith",30,"San Francisco"

The command has removed the syntax errors, fixing the missing closing quote after “John Doe” and the extra quote after “Doe,”.

2: Listing the Locations of Syntax Errors in a CSV file


csvclean -n bad.csv


The motivation behind listing the locations of syntax errors in a CSV file is to quickly identify the problematic areas in the file. This can help pinpoint the syntax errors and provide insights for manual correction or further analysis. The -n option in csvclean enables this feature.


Adding the -n option to the csvclean command instructs it to list the line and column numbers of syntax errors in the CSV file.

Example Output

Suppose we have a CSV file named bad.csv with the following syntax errors:

"John Doe,"25,"New York"
"Jane Smith",30,"San Francisco"

Running the csvclean -n bad.csv command would generate the following output:

bad.csv:2: "John Doe,"25,"New York"

The command has identified that there is a syntax error on line 2, where a closing quote is missing after “John Doe”.


The csvclean command is a useful tool for cleaning and validating CSV files. By utilizing its different options, we can easily identify and fix syntax errors in CSV files, ensuring the data is in a proper format for further processing. Whether it’s cleaning a file or listing syntax errors, csvclean simplifies the task of maintaining high-quality CSV data.

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