How to Use the Command 'csvstat' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'csvstat' (with Examples)

The csvstat command is a powerful tool included in the csvkit suite of utilities for handling CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. It is designed to provide descriptive statistics for columns in a CSV file, making it an invaluable resource for data analysis, data cleaning, and gaining insights into dataset structure. The command can display a variety of statistics, such as minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation among others. It supports many options to customize the statistical output according to user needs.

Use Case 1: Show All Stats for All Columns


csvstat data.csv

When you receive a new CSV dataset, a quick overview of the data through descriptive statistics helps in understanding the range, distribution, and nature of the dataset. This command prints descriptive statistics for every column in the CSV, giving you a broad perspective about the data you are working with.


  • csvstat: Invokes the statistical command for CSV files.
  • data.csv: Specifies the target CSV file on which the command is to be executed.

Example Output:

  1. id
	<type 'INTEGER'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 1
	Max: 100
	Sum: 5050
	Mean: 50.5
  2. name
	<type 'TEXT'>
	Nulls: False
	Uniques: 100
	Longest: 10

Use Case 2: Show All Stats for Columns 2 and 4


csvstat -c 2,4 data.csv

Often, you do not need to analyze every column within a dataset. Focusing on specific columns can reduce the noise in the data and allows for targeted analysis which might be necessary for hypothesis testing or specific reporting needs.


  • -c 2,4: This option selects columns by their numbered positions, in this case, columns 2 and 4 of the CSV.
  • data.csv: Specifies the CSV file to be analyzed.

Example Output:

  2. name
	<type 'TEXT'>
	Nulls: False
	Uniques: 100
	Longest: 10

  4. age
	<type 'INTEGER'>
	Min: 18
	Max: 65
	Mean: 35.5

Use Case 3: Show Sums for All Columns


csvstat --sum data.csv

Summing all columns can be particularly useful for datasets containing numeric data where a total is needed. This could be utilized for financial data, inventory counts, or any other numerical datasets where summation provides insights.


  • --sum: This option restricts the output to the sum of numeric columns.
  • data.csv: Indicates the CSV file for the operation.

Example Output:

  1. id: sum=5050
  3. age: sum=3500

Use Case 4: Show the Max Value Length for Column 3


csvstat -c 3 --len data.csv

Knowing the maximum length of values in a particular column is essential for formatting and data entry purposes. It can guide database schema design or validate that text fields are compliant with expected lengths.


  • -c 3: Specifies column 3 for analysis.
  • --len: Calculates and displays the maximum length of values in the specified column.
  • data.csv: The target CSV file.

Example Output:

  3. description
	Longest: 55

Use Case 5: Show the Number of Unique Values in the “name” Column


csvstat -c name --unique data.csv

Understanding how many distinct entries are within a column is crucial for categorical analysis. It helps identify single-value columns or assess variability within categorical data, such as names, product IDs, or categories.


  • -c name: Targets the column titled “name”.
  • --unique: Computes the number of unique values in the column specified.
  • data.csv: The CSV dataset being examined.

Example Output:

  name: 100 unique values


The csvstat command is a versatile and powerful utility for anyone working with CSV data. Its ability to provide a myriad of descriptive statistics allows users to perform quick and effective exploratory data analysis. Whether working with large datasets or specific data points, csvstat can tailor outputs to user needs, enhancing understanding of data and decision-making processes.

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