How to use the command csvtool (with examples)

How to use the command csvtool (with examples)

The csvtool command is a utility used to filter and extract data from CSV formatted sources. It provides various options to manipulate and extract specific columns or lines from a CSV file. This article will illustrate several use cases of the csvtool command, along with their codes, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use case 1: Extract the second column from a CSV file


csvtool --column 2 path/to/file.csv

Motivation: Extracting specific columns from a CSV file can be useful when you only need a subset of the data. In this example, we extract the second column from the CSV file specified by path/to/file.csv.


  • --column 2 indicates that we want to extract the second column.
  • path/to/file.csv is the path to the CSV file from which we want to extract the second column.

Example output:


Use case 2: Extract the second and fourth columns from a CSV file


csvtool --column 2,4 path/to/file.csv

Motivation: Sometimes you need to extract multiple columns from a CSV file. This example demonstrates how to extract both the second and fourth columns from the CSV file specified by path/to/file.csv.


  • --column 2,4 indicates that we want to extract both the second and fourth columns.
  • path/to/file.csv is the path to the CSV file from which we want to extract the specified columns.

Example output:


Use case 3: Extract lines from a CSV file where the second column exactly matches ‘Foo’


csvtool --column 2 --search '^Foo$' path/to/file.csv

Motivation: Filtering lines based on a specific value in a column can be helpful when you want to focus on specific data points. This example demonstrates how to extract lines from a CSV file where the second column exactly matches ‘Foo’.


  • --column 2 indicates that we want to search within the second column.
  • --search '^Foo$' specifies the regular expression pattern to search for. Here, ‘^Foo$’ matches lines where the second column exactly matches ‘Foo’.
  • path/to/file.csv is the path to the CSV file from which we want to extract the matching lines.

Example output:


Use case 4: Extract lines from a CSV file where the second column starts with ‘Bar’


csvtool --column 2 --search '^Bar' path/to/file.csv

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, this example showcases how to extract lines from a CSV file where the second column starts with ‘Bar’. This allows you to find specific data points based on a partial match.


  • --column 2 indicates that we want to search within the second column.
  • --search '^Bar' specifies the regular expression pattern to search for. Here, ‘^Bar’ matches lines where the second column starts with ‘Bar’.
  • path/to/file.csv is the path to the CSV file from which we want to extract the matching lines.

Example output:


Use case 5: Find lines in a CSV file where the second column ends with ‘Baz’ and then extract the third and sixth columns


csvtool --column 2 --search 'Baz$' path/to/file.csv | csvtool --no-header --column 3,6

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to perform multiple operations on the extracted lines. This example demonstrates how to find lines in a CSV file where the second column ends with ‘Baz’ and then extract the third and sixth columns from those lines.


  • --column 2 indicates that we want to search within the second column.
  • --search 'Baz$' specifies the regular expression pattern to search for. Here, ‘Baz$’ matches lines where the second column ends with ‘Baz’.
  • path/to/file.csv is the path to the CSV file on which we want to perform the initial search.
  • The | character is used to pipe the output of the first csvtool command as the input to the second csvtool command.
  • --no-header omits the header line in the output, which is useful when we are chaining multiple csvtool commands.
  • --column 3,6 specifies that we want to extract the third and sixth columns from the output of the previous csvtool command.

Example output:



The csvtool command is a powerful utility that allows you to extract and manipulate data from CSV files efficiently. By utilizing different options, such as specifying columns and applying search patterns, you can extract the desired information for analysis or further processing. Understanding these use cases and their arguments will help you leverage the csvtool command effectively in your data processing workflows.

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