How to use the command 'ctop' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ctop' (with examples)

The ctop command is a powerful tool that provides real-time, top-like interface for container metrics, offering insights into the performance and overall health of containers running on a system. By displaying essential metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, and block IO statistics, ctop enables system administrators and developers to monitor the containers’ resource usage and performance in an instant. Developed for modern-day containerized environments, ctop is especially favored for its simplicity, utility, and ability to consolidate multiple performance indicators in one cohesive interface.

Use case 1: Show only [a]ctive containers


ctop -a


The primary rationale for using the -a flag to show only active containers is efficiency and focus. In environments where numerous containers are running, including those in paused, stopped, or other inactive states, it can become overwhelming to monitor activities effectively. By filtering out the inactive containers, system administrators can concentrate on the performance metrics of only those containers actively consuming resources, thus optimizing troubleshooting and monitoring efforts.


  • -a: This flag filters the display to list only the active containers. The focus is given solely to those containers that are currently running and utilizing system resources, thereby providing a cleaner and more relevant view of the container landscape.

Example output:

ctop - active containers
NAME           CPU%     MEM USAGE / LIMIT    MEM%     NET I/O
app_container  10.6     256MiB / 1GiB        25.0     1.5MB / 2.3MB
db_container   3.2      512MiB / 2GiB        25.6     2.0MB / 1.9MB

Use case 2: [r]everse the container sort order


ctop -r


Reversing the sort order of containers can be especially useful when a user needs to quickly view containers that typically appear at the end of the list, such as those with the lowest resource consumption or added last. In scenarios where the default top-to-bottom view needs inversion for better analysis or pattern recognition, this feature can be very helpful.


  • -r: The reverse flag changes the order in which containers are displayed, flipping it from the default descending order (for most metrics) to ascending. This allows users to reorder listings according to what is most pertinent for their current analysis needs.

Example output:

ctop - reverse order
NAME           CPU%     MEM USAGE / LIMIT    MEM%     NET I/O
log_container  1.0      100MiB / 2GiB         5.0     0.5MB / 0.7MB
db_container   3.2      512MiB / 2GiB        25.6     2.0MB / 1.9MB
app_container  10.6     256MiB / 1GiB        25.0     1.5MB / 2.3MB

Use case 3: [i]nvert the default colors


ctop -i


The ability to invert colors is a vital feature for accessibility and usability. Users with different visual preferences or those working in poorly lit or very bright environments may require color schemes that differ from the default settings to reduce eye strain or to make certain elements more visible. Inverting colors can thus lead to a more customized and comfortable user experience.


  • -i: This option inverts the default color scheme used by ctop. This inversion changes how information is presented visually, enhancing or reducing contrast as needed, making it adaptable to a variety of viewing conditions.

Example output:

ctop - inverted colors
| NAME           | CPU% | MEM USAGE / LIMIT    | MEM% | NET I/O          |
| app_container  | 10.6 | 256MiB / 1GiB        | 25.0 | 1.5MB / 2.3MB    |
| db_container   | 3.2  | 512MiB / 2GiB        | 25.6 | 2.0MB / 1.9MB    |

Use case 4: Display [h]elp


ctop -h


Using the help feature is crucial for new and experienced users alike when familiarizing themselves with ctop’s functionality or when needing a quick reminder of the available options and usage syntax. This command is an essential step for self-directed learning and reference.


  • -h: This argument outputs the help information, listing all possible options, arguments, and a brief description of what each does. It’s akin to a quick help guide that users can refer to for information on configuring and using ctop efficiently.

Example output:

Usage of ctop:
  -a, --active  Show active containers only
  -r, --reverse Reverse sorting order
  -h, --help    Display this help message


The ctop command is a versatile tool for monitoring container performance, equipped with options to streamline and enhance the visualization of container metrics. By showcasing these use cases, users can tailor their monitoring efforts to specific needs, whether it involves focusing on active containers, adjusting the display order to meet analytical needs, customizing interface appearance for better readability, or exploring command help for further insights. With this knowledge, administrators and developers can navigate and optimize their container environments more effectively.

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