How to use the command 'cupsd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cupsd' (with examples)

The ‘cupsd’ command is the server daemon for the CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) print server. It allows users to configure and manage printers and print jobs on UNIX-based systems. The CUPS server provides a printing service over a network using the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).

Use case 1: Start ‘cupsd’ in the background, aka. as a daemon



Motivation: Starting ‘cupsd’ in the background allows the print server to run continuously without occupying the terminal session. This is useful in cases where a user needs to start ‘cupsd’ and continue using the terminal for other tasks.

Explanation: The command ‘cupsd’ without any options starts the ‘cupsd’ daemon in the background. It launches the CUPS print server as a service and keeps it running until it is stopped manually or by other means.

Example Output: No output is generated when ‘cupsd’ is started in the background.

Use case 2: Start ‘cupsd’ on the foreground


cupsd -f

Motivation: Running ‘cupsd’ on the foreground is helpful for troubleshooting purposes. It allows the administrator to monitor the server logs and see any error messages or warnings in real-time.

Explanation: The ‘-f’ option starts ‘cupsd’ on the foreground, meaning it runs in the current terminal session. The server logs and other diagnostic messages are displayed directly in the terminal, allowing the administrator to monitor them.

Example Output:

D [07/Jan/2022:14:27:50 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"

Use case 3: Launch ‘cupsd’ on-demand


cupsd -l

Motivation: Launching ‘cupsd’ on-demand is useful when integrating CUPS with other system management tools like ’launchd’ or ‘systemd’. This option ensures that CUPS is started when needed and not running continuously in the background.

Explanation: The ‘-l’ option launches ‘cupsd’ on-demand, meaning it starts the print server only when a print job or a printer request is received. This allows for efficient resource allocation and saves system resources when the print server is not actively used.

Example Output: No output is generated when ‘cupsd’ is launched on-demand.

Use case 4: Start ‘cupsd’ using the specified ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file


cupsd -c path/to/cupsd.conf

Motivation: Using a specific configuration file allows the administrator to customize the behavior of the CUPS print server according to their requirements. This is particularly useful in situations where different configurations are needed for different environments or deployments.

Explanation: The ‘-c’ option specifies the path to the ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file. With this option, ‘cupsd’ will read the specified configuration file instead of the default one. It allows the administrator to define printer settings, access control, logging options, and other parameters.

Example Output: No output is generated when ‘cupsd’ is started with a specific ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file.

Use case 5: Start ‘cupsd’ using the specified ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file


cupsd -s path/to/cups-files.conf

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, using a custom ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file allows the administrator to customize the file-related behavior of the CUPS print server, such as defining the spool directory, retry timeout, and other file-related parameters.

Explanation: The ‘-s’ option specifies the path to the ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file. By providing this option, ‘cupsd’ will use the specified ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file instead of the default one. It allows the administrator to modify file-related settings according to their needs.

Example Output: No output is generated when ‘cupsd’ is started with a specific ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file.

Use case 6: Test the ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file for errors


cupsd -t -c path/to/cupsd.conf

Motivation: Testing the ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file for errors ensures that any changes made to the configuration file do not introduce syntax or logical mistakes. This allows the administrator to identify and fix any issues before restarting the print server.

Explanation: The ‘-t’ option is used to test the ‘cupsd.conf’ configuration file for errors. When combined with the ‘-c’ option followed by the path to the configuration file, ‘cupsd’ will parse the file and report any syntax errors or logical inconsistencies.

Example Output:

cupsd: Unable to open configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf": No such file or directory

(Error message indicating the specified configuration file does not exist)

Use case 7: Test the ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file for errors


cupsd -t -s path/to/cups-files.conf

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, testing the ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file for errors allows the administrator to ensure that the file is correctly configured. Validating the configuration file helps prevent issues related to file handling and spool directory management.

Explanation: The ‘-t’ option, when used with the ‘-s’ option followed by the path to the ‘cups-files.conf’ configuration file, enables the testing of that specific configuration file. It checks for any syntax errors or logical inconsistencies and provides feedback if any issues are found.

Example Output:

cupsd: Unable to open configuration file "/etc/cups/cups-files.conf": No such file or directory

(Error message indicating the specified configuration file does not exist)

Use case 8: Display all available options


cupsd -h

Motivation: Listing all available options helps users understand the various functionalities provided by the ‘cupsd’ command and their usage. This can be useful when exploring the command’s capabilities or when referring to the available options during troubleshooting or configuration tasks.

Explanation: The ‘-h’ option displays a help message that lists all the available options, their descriptions, and their usage patterns. It provides an overview of how the command can be used and what each option does.

Example Output:

Usage: cupsd [options]
  -c configFile     Load the specified configuration file
  -f                Run in the foreground
  -l                Run in the background (commonly used by launchd or systemd)
  -s configFile     Load the specified alternate configuration file
  -t                Test the specified configuration files for syntax errors
  -h                Show this help message


The ‘cupsd’ command provides a powerful and flexible tool for managing and configuring printers on UNIX-based systems. By understanding the various use cases and options available, users can effectively set up and maintain a CUPS print server based on their specific requirements. Whether it’s starting ‘cupsd’ in the background, testing configuration files, or customizing the behavior of the print server, the ‘cupsd’ command offers a range of functionalities to streamline printing operations.

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