How to use the command 'curl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'curl' (with examples)

Curl is a widely used command-line tool that allows you to transfer data to or from a server. It supports various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and POP3. Curl is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as downloading files from a URL, sending form-encoded data, and authenticating with a server.

Use case 1: Download the contents of a URL to a file


curl --output path/to/file


Downloading the contents of a URL to a file can be useful for various tasks, such as saving HTML code for analysis or storing data for future reference. By using curl, you can easily fetch the contents of a URL and save it to a specified file location.


  • curl: The command itself
  • The URL of the file you want to download
  • --output: Specifies the output file
  • path/to/file: The path and filename where the downloaded file will be saved

Example output:

The contents of the URL will be downloaded and saved to the file specified in the --output parameter.

Use case 2: Download a file, saving the output under the filename indicated by the URL


curl --remote-name


Sometimes, you may want to download a file and preserve the original filename specified by the URL. By using the --remote-name option, curl will save the file with the same name as indicated by the URL.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --remote-name: Saves the output under the filename indicated by the URL
  • The URL of the file you want to download

Example output:

The file located at will be downloaded and saved with the same name.

Use case 3: Download a file, following location redirects, and automatically continuing a previous file transfer, returning an error on server error


curl --fail --remote-name --location --continue-at -


This use case is helpful when you want to make sure that the file is downloaded correctly and any errors are reported. By using the combination of --fail, --location, and --continue-at -, curl will follow any location redirects, resume a previous file transfer, and return an error if the server encounters any issues.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --fail: Returns an error on server error (non-successful HTTP codes)
  • --remote-name: Saves the output under the filename indicated by the URL
  • --location: Follows any location redirects
  • --continue-at -: Automatically continues (resumes) a previous file transfer. The hyphen after continue-at specifies to continue from where it left off
  • The URL of the file you want to download

Example output:

If the file transfer encounters any server error, it will return an error. Otherwise, the file will be downloaded, following location redirects and continuing a previous transfer if applicable.

Use case 4: Send form-encoded data (POST request of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded)


curl --data 'name=bob'


Sending form-encoded data is useful for submitting data to a server, typically through a form submission. By using the --data option, you can specify the data to be sent in the HTTP request body.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --data 'name=bob': Specifies the form-encoded data to be sent
  • The URL where the data should be sent

Example output:

The form-encoded data “name=bob” will be sent to the URL .

Use case 5: Send a request with an extra header, using a custom HTTP method


curl --header 'X-My-Header: 123' --request PUT


Sometimes, you may need to send a request with additional headers or use a custom HTTP method. By using the --header option, you can include custom headers, and the --request option allows you to specify the HTTP method to be used.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --header 'X-My-Header: 123': Specifies the extra header to include in the request
  • --request PUT: Specifies the HTTP method to be used (in this case, PUT)
  • The URL where the request should be sent

Example output:

A request with the specified extra header and HTTP method will be sent to the URL .

Use case 6: Send data in JSON format, specifying the appropriate content-type header


curl --data '{"name":"bob"}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


Sending data in JSON format is common when interacting with APIs that expect JSON payloads. By using the --header option to specify the content-type and the --data option to provide the JSON data, you can easily send JSON payloads to the server.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --data '{"name":"bob"}': Specifies the JSON data to be sent
  • --header 'Content-Type: application/json': Sets the appropriate content-type header
  • The URL where the request should be sent

Example output:

The JSON data ‘{“name”:“bob”}’ will be sent to the URL with the appropriate content-type header.

Use case 7: Pass a username and password for server authentication


curl --user myusername:mypassword


Sometimes, you may need to authenticate with a server using a username and password. By using the --user option, you can provide the credentials required for authentication.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --user myusername:mypassword: Specifies the username and password for authentication
  • The URL where the request should be sent

Example output:

A request will be sent to the URL with the provided username and password for authentication.

Use case 8: Pass client certificate and key for a resource, skipping certificate validation


curl --cert client.pem --key key.pem --insecure


In some cases, you may need to pass a client certificate and key for authentication with a server. By using the --cert and --key options, you can provide the required credentials. The --insecure option allows you to skip certificate validation if necessary.


  • curl: The command itself
  • --cert client.pem: Specifies the path to the client certificate file
  • --key key.pem: Specifies the path to the client key file
  • --insecure: Skips certificate validation
  • The URL where the request should be sent

Example output:

A request will be sent to the URL , providing the client certificate and key. Certificate validation will be skipped if the --insecure option is used.


Curl is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to transfer data to or from a server, supporting various protocols. By familiarizing yourself with the different use cases of curl, you can effectively use it for tasks like downloading files, sending data, and authenticating with servers.

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