How to use the command 'cvs' (with examples)

How to use the command 'cvs' (with examples)

The ‘cvs’ command is the acronym for Concurrent Versions System, which is a revision control system used for managing multiple versions of a project. It allows multiple users to collaborate and keep track of changes made to files over time. This article provides examples of different use cases of the ‘cvs’ command.

Use case 1: Create a new repository


cvs -d path/to/repository init

Motivation: This command is used to initialize a new repository for version control. It is necessary to set the CVSROOT environment variable externally before executing this command.


  • cvs -d: Specifies the CVS repository directory.
  • path/to/repository: Specifies the path where the repository will be created.
  • init: Initializes a new repository.

Example output:

cvs init: Logging in to :pserver:username@ip_address:port:/path_to_repository
cvs init: Repository /path_to_repository created

Use case 2: Add a project to the repository


cvs import -m "message" project_name version vendor

Motivation: This command is used to add a project to the previously created repository. It is useful for tracking changes made to the project over time and collaborating with multiple users.


  • cvs import: Imports a project into the repository.
  • -m "message": Specifies the commit message.
  • project_name: Specifies the name of the project.
  • version: Specifies the initial version number of the project.
  • vendor: Specifies the name of the project’s vendor.

Example output:

cvs import: Importing /path_to_project/project_name
cvs import: Added file path/to/file

Use case 3: Checkout a project


cvs checkout project_name

Motivation: This command is used to obtain a local copy of a project from the repository. It allows users to work on the project independently and merge changes later.


  • cvs checkout: Obtains a local copy of a project from the repository.
  • project_name: Specifies the name of the project to be checked out.

Example output:

cvs checkout: Updating project_name
cvs checkout: Updating path/to/file

Use case 4: Show changes made to files


cvs diff path/to/file

Motivation: This command is used to see the differences between the working copy of a file and the version in the repository. It helps users track modifications and review changes made by others.


  • cvs diff: Shows the differences between the working copy and the repository version of a file.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path of the file to be compared.

Example output:

Index: path/to/file
RCS file: /path_to_repository/path/to/file,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2 path/to/file
> Line added

Use case 5: Add a file


cvs add path/to/file

Motivation: This command is used to add a file to the repository. It is necessary to track new files and include them in version control.


  • cvs add: Adds a file to the repository.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path of the file to be added.

Example output:

cvs add: scheduling file `path/to/file' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

Use case 6: Commit a file


cvs commit -m "message" path/to/file

Motivation: This command is used to commit changes made to a file to the repository. It is necessary to save modifications and make them available to other users.


  • cvs commit: Commits changes made to a file to the repository.
  • -m "message": Specifies the commit message.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path of the file to be committed.

Example output:

cvs commit: Committing path/to/file
cvs commit: Adding path/to/file

Use case 7: Update the working directory from the remote repository


cvs update

Motivation: This command is used to update the working directory by synchronizing with the latest changes from the remote repository. It ensures that the user’s local copy is up to date.


  • cvs update: Updates the working directory with the latest changes from the repository.

Example output:

cvs update: Updating project_name
cvs update: Updated path/to/file


The ‘cvs’ command is a powerful tool for version control, allowing multiple users to collaborate on a project while keeping track of changes. The examples provided in this article demonstrate different use cases of the ‘cvs’ command, from initializing a repository to updating a working directory. Mastering these commands is essential for effective version control and efficient collaboration.

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