How to use the command 'dalfox' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dalfox' (with examples)


‘Dalfox’ is a powerful open-source XSS scanner that focuses on automation. It helps in identifying and exploiting XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. The tool is highly customizable and enables users to scan single URLs or lists of URLs using various options for customization.

Use case 1: Scan a single URL for XSS vulnerabilities


dalfox url

Motivation: This use case allows users to scan a single URL (in this case, “ ”) for any potential XSS vulnerabilities. By executing this command, ‘Dalfox’ will analyze the provided URL and provide any potential vulnerabilities found.


  • dalfox is the command to run the ‘Dalfox’ tool.
  • url is the option that specifies a single URL as the target for scanning.
  • is the actual URL to be scanned for XSS vulnerabilities.

Example Output:

[INFO] Scanning ...
[INFO] Found potential XSS vulnerabilities:
[INFO] - Payload: <script>alert(1)</script>
[INFO] - Location: <>
[INFO] - Method: GET
[INFO] - Parameter: id
[INFO] - Type: Reflected XSS

Use case 2: Scan a URL using a header for authentication


dalfox url -H 'X-My-Header: 123'

Motivation: In scenarios where the target URL requires authentication through headers, this use case comes in handy. By providing the authentication header, ‘Dalfox’ can successfully scan the target URL while simulating the authenticated state.


  • -H 'X-My-Header: 123' is an option used to specify a custom header to be added to the request when scanning the URL.
  • X-My-Header is an example of a custom header, and 123 is the value set for that header.

Example Output:

[INFO] Scanning with authentication header ...
[INFO] Found no potential XSS vulnerabilities.

Use case 3: Scan a list of URLs from a file


dalfox file path/to/file

Motivation: This use case allows users to scan multiple URLs stored in a file. By providing the path to the file containing the URLs, ‘Dalfox’ will scan each URL individually and provide any potential vulnerabilities found.


  • file is the option used to specify a file containing a list of URLs to be scanned.
  • path/to/file is the actual path to the file containing the URLs.

Example Output:

[INFO] Scanning URLs from file: path/to/file ...
[INFO] Found potential XSS vulnerabilities:
[INFO] - Payload: <script>alert(1)</script>
[INFO] - Location: <>
[INFO] - Method: GET
[INFO] - Parameter: id
[INFO] - Type: Reflected XSS
[INFO] - ...
[INFO] - Payload: <img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)>
[INFO] - Location: <>
[INFO] - Method: GET
[INFO] - Parameter: id
[INFO] - Type: Reflected XSS


By understanding the various use cases of the ‘dalfox’ command, users can effectively scan URLs for XSS vulnerabilities. Whether it’s scanning a single URL, adding authentication headers, or scanning from a file, ‘Dalfox’ provides the necessary features and flexibility to identify and exploit XSS vulnerabilities in web applications.

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