How to Control macOS Dark Mode (with examples)

How to Control macOS Dark Mode (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

Dark mode is a feature on macOS that changes the appearance of the user interface to a dark color scheme. The dark-mode command is a tool that allows users to easily control the dark mode settings on their macOS device. This article will illustrate each use case of the dark-mode command with examples.

Use case 1: Toggle dark mode



Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to toggle the dark mode setting. If dark mode is currently off, running this command will turn it on. If dark mode is currently on, running this command will turn it off.

Explanation: The dark-mode command without any arguments will toggle the dark mode setting. If dark mode is currently off, it will be turned on. If dark mode is currently on, it will be turned off.

Example output: Dark mode has been toggled. If it was previously off, it will now be turned on. If it was previously on, it will now be turned off.

Use case 2: Turn dark mode on


dark-mode on

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to turn on dark mode explicitly. This is useful when you specifically want dark mode enabled and don’t want to rely on the toggle behavior of the dark-mode command without any arguments.

Explanation: The dark-mode on command explicitly turns on dark mode.

Example output: Dark mode has been turned on. The user interface of the macOS device will now be displayed in a dark color scheme.

Use case 3: Turn dark mode off


dark-mode off

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to turn off dark mode explicitly. This is useful when you specifically want dark mode disabled and don’t want to rely on the toggle behavior of the dark-mode command without any arguments.

Explanation: The dark-mode off command explicitly turns off dark mode.

Example output: Dark mode has been turned off. The user interface of the macOS device will now be displayed in a light color scheme.

Use case 4: Check if dark mode is on


dark-mode status

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to check the current status of dark mode. This is useful when you want to determine whether dark mode is currently enabled or disabled.

Explanation: The dark-mode status command checks whether dark mode is currently on or off.

Example output: Dark mode is currently enabled. The user interface of the macOS device is being displayed in a dark color scheme.


In this article, we explored the different use cases of the dark-mode command, which allows users to control the dark mode settings on their macOS device. By toggling dark mode, turning it on or off explicitly, and checking its status, users have full control over the appearance of their macOS user interface.

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