How to use the command "dart" (with examples)

How to use the command "dart" (with examples)

The dart create command is used to initialize a new Dart project. It creates the necessary directory structure and files for a Dart package.

dart create project_name

Motivation: This command is useful when starting a new Dart project. It sets up the basic structure and files needed for a Dart package, saving time and effort.


  • dart create is the command followed by the project name. The project name determines the name of the directory and package created.
  • project_name is the desired name of the Dart project. This can be any valid string.

Example Output:

Creating project project_name...
  project_name/.gitignore (created)
  project_name/pubspec.yaml (created)
  project_name/ (created)
  project_name/LICENSE (created)
  project_name/lib/project_name.dart (created)
  project_name/test/project_name_test.dart (created)

Run a Dart file

The dart run command is used to run a Dart file.

dart run path/to/file.dart

Motivation: This command is useful when executing a Dart program that is stored in a specific file. It allows you to quickly test and run your Dart code without the need for a separate compiler or build process.


  • dart run is the command followed by the path to the Dart file you want to run.
  • path/to/file.dart is the file path to the Dart file you want to run. The path can be relative or absolute.

Example Output:

Hello, World!

Download dependencies for the current project

The dart pub get command is used to download the dependencies specified in the pubspec.yaml file for the current project.

dart pub get

Motivation: This command is necessary when working with a Dart project that has external dependencies. It allows you to retrieve and install the necessary packages required for your project to function correctly.


  • dart pub get is the command used to download the project dependencies.
  • No additional arguments are required for this command.

Example Output:

Running "flutter pub get" in project_name...

Run unit tests for the current project

The dart test command is used to run unit tests for the current Dart project.

dart test

Motivation: This command is essential for ensuring the correctness and reliability of your Dart code. It allows you to run the defined unit tests and verify that your project functions as expected.


  • dart test is the command used to run unit tests.
  • No additional arguments are required for this command.

Example Output:

00:04 +3: All tests passed!

Update an outdated project’s dependencies to support null-safety

The dart pub upgrade --null-safety command is used to update the dependencies of an outdated Dart project to support null-safety.

dart pub upgrade --null-safety

Motivation: Null-safety is an important feature in Dart, as it helps catch null reference errors during compile-time. This command is useful when attempting to migrate an existing project to use null-safety, as it updates the project’s dependencies to support null-safety.


  • dart pub upgrade --null-safety is the command used to upgrade the project’s dependencies to support null-safety.
  • No additional arguments are required for this command.

Example Output:

Upgrading project dependencies to null safety...
Upgraded 10 dependencies.

Compile a Dart file to a native binary

The dart compile exe command is used to compile a Dart file into a native binary executable.

dart compile exe path/to/file.dart

Motivation: There may be cases where you want to distribute your Dart application as a standalone executable without requiring the Dart SDK to be installed. This command allows you to compile your Dart code into a native binary that can be run without the need for Dart.


  • dart compile exe is the command used to compile a Dart file into a native binary executable.
  • path/to/file.dart is the file path to the Dart file you want to compile. The path can be relative or absolute.

Example Output:

Successfully compiled into path/to/file.exe


In this article, we explored different use cases of the dart command, including initializing a new Dart project, running Dart files, downloading project dependencies, running unit tests, updating for null-safety, and compiling Dart code into native binaries. These commands are essential for managing and developing Dart projects efficiently.

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