How to use the command "dash" (with examples)

How to use the command "dash" (with examples)

The “dash” command is a modern, POSIX-compliant implementation of the “sh” shell. It is not Bash-compatible, but it is lightweight and optimized for speed. This command provides a variety of use cases for executing commands, scripts, and checking syntax errors.

Use case 1: Start an interactive shell session



Motivation: This use case allows you to start an interactive shell session with the “dash” command. It can be useful for testing commands or executing scripts manually.

Explanation: Running the command “dash” without any arguments starts an interactive shell session. It opens a new shell session where you can type commands and see their output interactively.

Example output:

$ dash

Use case 2: Execute specific [c]ommands


dash -c "echo 'dash is executed'"

Motivation: This use case allows you to execute specific commands without starting an interactive shell session. It is useful when you want to run a command or a series of commands without entering the shell environment.

Explanation: The “-c” flag tells “dash” to execute the specified command and then exit. In the provided example, the command “echo ‘dash is executed’” is executed and the output is printed to the console.

Example output:

$ dash -c "echo 'dash is executed'"
dash is executed

Use case 3: Execute a specific script


dash path/to/

Motivation: This use case allows you to execute a specific script using the “dash” command.

Explanation: Providing the path to a script file as an argument to the “dash” command will execute the script using the “dash” shell. The script will run in a separate shell environment.

Example output: (Assuming “” contains the command “echo ‘Script executed’”)

$ dash path/to/
Script executed

Use case 4: Check a specific script for syntax errors


dash -n path/to/

Motivation: This use case allows you to check a specific script for syntax errors before executing it. It can help you identify and fix any syntax issues in your script.

Explanation: The “-n” flag causes “dash” to check a specific script for syntax errors without executing it. If there are any errors, they will be detected and printed to the console. If the script is valid, there will be no output.

Example output: (Assuming “” contains a syntax error)

$ dash -n path/to/
path/to/ line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Use case 5: Execute a specific script while printing each command before executing it


dash -x path/to/

Motivation: This use case allows you to execute a specific script while displaying each command before executing it. It can be helpful for debugging or understanding the flow of a script.

Explanation: The “-x” flag enables tracing mode in “dash”, which causes each command of the script to be printed to the console before it is executed. This can help you understand the sequence of commands and identify any issues in the script’s execution.

Example output: (Assuming “” contains multiple commands)

$ dash -x path/to/
+ echo 'Command 1'
Command 1
+ echo 'Command 2'
Command 2

Use case 6: Execute a specific script and stop at the first [e]rror


dash -e path/to/

Motivation: This use case allows you to execute a specific script while stopping at the first encountered error. It can be useful for debugging purposes or when you want to ensure that the script execution halts at the first error.

Explanation: The “-e” flag causes “dash” to exit immediately if any command in the script returns a non-zero exit status, indicating an error. This can help you identify issues in your script and prevent further execution.

Example output: (Assuming “” contains an error in one of the commands)

$ dash -e path/to/
path/to/ line 15: command_not_found: command not found

Use case 7: Execute specific commands from stdin


echo "echo 'dash is executed'" | dash

Motivation: This use case allows you to provide commands to the “dash” command through standard input. It can be useful when you want to execute commands without typing them manually.

Explanation: By using a pipe “|” operator, you can pass commands to “dash” through standard input. The commands provided in the echo statement will be executed by “dash”, and the output will be printed to the console.

Example output:

$ echo "echo 'dash is executed'" | dash
dash is executed


The “dash” command provides various use cases for executing commands, scripts, and checking syntax errors. Whether you need to start an interactive shell session, execute specific scripts, or debug a script’s execution, the “dash” command offers a range of options to suit your needs. Understanding these use cases can help you improve your workflow and efficiency when working with the “dash” shell.

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