How to use the command "dcode" (with examples)

How to use the command "dcode" (with examples)

The “dcode” command is a versatile tool that allows users to recursively detect and decode various string encodings, hash functions, and ciphers. It supports hex, decimal, binary, base64, URL, FromChar encodings, Caesar ciphers, and MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hashes. Additionally, the command provides an option to rotate strings, reverse them, and even perform all possible rotations of a string by specifying the “all” flag.

Use case 1: Recursively detect and decode a string


dcode "NjM3YTQyNzQ1YTQ0NGUzMg=="

Motivation: This use case is helpful when working with encrypted or encoded data that needs to be decoded for further analysis or processing. By providing a string as an argument to the “dcode” command, it will detect the encoding type and automatically decode the string.

Explanation: The command “dcode” is followed by the encoded string that needs to be decoded. In this example, the encoded string is “NjM3YTQyNzQ1YTQ0NGUzMg==”. When executed, the command will identify the encoding type of the string and then decode it.

Example output:

Decoding NjM3YTQyNzQ1YTQ0NGUzMg== ...
Base64: 637a427457a44e32

In this case, the input string is a Base64 encoded value. The command has successfully detected the encoding type as Base64 and decoded the string to its corresponding value “637a427457a44e32”.

Use case 2: Rotate a string by the specified offset


dcode -rot 11 "spwwz hzcwo"

Motivation: This use case is useful when dealing with messages or strings that have been encoded using a Caesar cipher with a specific offset. By specifying the offset value, the “dcode” command can rotate the characters in the string to reveal the original message.

Explanation: The command is followed by the “-rot” flag and the specified offset value (11 in this case). Additionally, the command is followed by the string to be rotated, which is “spwwz hzcwo”. When executed, the command will rotate each character in the string by the specified offset value.

Example output:

Input: spwwz hzcwo
Rotation (11): helium helium

In this example, the original message was “helium helium” encoded using a Caesar cipher with an offset of 11. The “dcode” command successfully rotates each character by the specified offset, revealing the original message “spwwz hzcwo”.

Use case 3: Rotate a string by all 26 possible offsets


dcode -rot all "bpgkta xh qtiitg iwpc sr"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when trying to decode a message encoded using a Caesar cipher, but the exact offset value is unknown. By specifying the “all” flag, the “dcode” command will rotate the string by all 26 possible offsets, revealing all potential messages.

Explanation: The command is followed by the “-rot” flag and the “all” flag to indicate that all possible rotations should be performed. Additionally, the command is followed by the string to be rotated, which is “bpgkta xh qtiitg iwpc sr”. When executed, the command will rotate each character in the string by all possible offsets (0 to 25).

Example output (partial):

Rotation (0): bpgkta xh qtiitg iwpc sr
Rotation (1): aofjsz wg pshhsf hvolb rq
Rotation (2): zneiry vf orggrf gunka pq
Rotation (25): hqvizs iq zmtmti dbojp xq

In this example, the original message was rotated using all 26 possible offsets. The “dcode” command reveals each rotation, allowing the user to analyze the potential messages and determine the original one.

Use case 4: Reverse a string


dcode -rev "hello world"

Motivation: This use case is straightforward and useful when there is a need to reverse the characters of a string. Reversing a string can be helpful for text processing tasks or data analysis.

Explanation: The command is followed by the “-rev” flag, indicating that the string should be reversed. Additionally, the command is followed by the string to be reversed, which is “hello world”. When executed, the command will reverse the characters in the string.

Example output:

Reversing hello world ...
dlrow olleh

In this case, the “dcode” command has successfully reversed the characters in the input string “hello world”, resulting in the output “dlrow olleh”.


The “dcode” command provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for detecting and decoding various string encodings, hashes, and ciphers. It offers flexibility in decoding, rotating, and reversing strings. By understanding and utilizing the different options and flags, users can effectively work with encoded or encrypted data and perform the necessary operations to decode and analyze information.

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