Exploring the 'dconf read' Command (with examples)

Exploring the 'dconf read' Command (with examples)

The dconf command is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with the dconf database, which is commonly used in Linux systems to store user preferences and configuration settings for various applications and system components. By using the dconf read command, one can query and retrieve specific configuration values, making it invaluable for managing settings and debugging potential issues related to application configurations.

Use case 1: Print a specific key value


dconf read /path/to/key


Sometimes, you might need to check the current configuration value for a particular setting in your system or an application. By doing so, you could verify the correctness of a setting, track down configuration issues, or simply understand what defaults are in play for a given aspect of your system. For instance, if you suspect a setting related to system appearance is causing display issues, checking this key’s current value could provide insights or confirm your suspicions.


  • dconf: This is the main command used to interact with the dconf system database. It provides several subcommands to read, write, watch, and reset entries.
  • read: This subcommand is used to retrieve the value associated with a specified key in the dconf database.
  • /path/to/key: This represents the specific path within the dconf database hierarchy that contains the key whose value you want to read. Think of it like a file path but for configuration settings.

Example Output:

Suppose you want to read the key that holds your desktop wallpaper setting; you might use a command like:

dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/background/picture-uri

Would output something similar to:


This produces the currently set wallpaper file path in the system’s configuration.

Use case 2: Print a specific key default value


dconf read -d /path/to/key


In cases where system administrators or users want to determine the default value for a particular key, this command becomes especially useful. Retrieving the default configuration can help you understand what the initial, untouched setup is supposed to be, which is particularly useful when troubleshooting issues or planning system rollouts where initial settings need verification.


  • dconf: The main command used to interact with the database.
  • read: The subcommand used to acquire information about a key’s value.
  • -d: This is an option specifying that the command should return the default value of the key if possible. It’s beneficial when you want to compare the effective current value of a setting with its default state.
  • /path/to/key: This specifies the key you are querying, where you want to check what its default value is configured to be.

Example Output:

If curious about the default keyboard layout, you might use a command like:

dconf read -d /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/sources

Would perhaps return:

'[("xkb", "us")]'

This shows that the default input source is set to the US keyboard layout.


The dconf read command is a straightforward yet powerful tool for querying configuration values from the dconf database in Linux environments. Whether you’re confirming current settings or checking default configurations, the ability to directly access and display these values supports effective system administration and troubleshooting. By utilizing this command effectively, users can ensure they have an accurate understanding of their system’s setup, paving the way for smoother operation and management of software environments.

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