How to use the command 'dconf read' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dconf read' (with examples)

The ‘dconf read’ command is used to read key values from dconf databases. It allows you to retrieve the value of a specific key or the default value of a key.

Use case 1: Print a specific key value


dconf read /path/to/key

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to retrieve the current value of a specific key from the dconf database. You can use it to check the current configuration or to retrieve the value to use in a script or application.


  • dconf read: The command to read key values from dconf databases.
  • /path/to/key: The specific key for which you want to retrieve the value.

Example output:


Use case 2: Print a specific key default value


dconf read -d /path/to/key

Motivation: Sometimes, a specific key may not have a value set and instead has a default value applied. In this case, you can use the ‘-d’ option along with the command to retrieve the default value of the key.


  • dconf read: The command to read key values from dconf databases.
  • -d: The option to retrieve the default value of the key.
  • /path/to/key: The specific key for which you want to retrieve the default value.

Example output:



The ‘dconf read’ command is a handy tool for reading key values from dconf databases. It allows you to retrieve the value of a specific key or the default value of a key. By using this command, you can easily access and retrieve configuration information stored in the dconf database.

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