How to use the command 'decaffeinate' (with examples)

How to use the command 'decaffeinate' (with examples)

The ‘decaffeinate’ command is used to convert CoffeeScript source code to modern JavaScript. It provides several options to customize the conversion process, such as converting CoffeeScript v2 files, converting require and module.exports to import and export, and allowing named exports.

Use case 1: Convert a CoffeeScript file to JavaScript


decaffeinate path/to/

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert a CoffeeScript file to JavaScript, making it compatible with modern JavaScript environments. This can be useful when working on a project that no longer supports CoffeeScript or when migrating an existing CoffeeScript codebase to JavaScript.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘decaffeinate’ command is used with the path to the CoffeeScript file as an argument. The command will convert the CoffeeScript code to JavaScript and output the converted code to the console.

Example output:

var foo;

foo = 42;


Use case 2: Convert a CoffeeScript v2 file to JavaScript


decaffeinate --use-cs2 path/to/

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert a CoffeeScript v2 file to JavaScript. CoffeeScript v2 introduced some changes and syntax updates, and using this option ensures that the conversion takes those changes into account.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘–use-cs2’ flag is used to indicate that the CoffeeScript code is written in the v2 syntax. This will enable the ‘decaffeinate’ command to handle the specific syntax changes introduced in CoffeeScript v2 during the conversion process.

Example output:

const foo = 42;


Use case 3: Convert require and module.exports to import and export


decaffeinate --use-js-modules path/to/

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert CoffeeScript code that uses require and module.exports statements to JavaScript code that uses import and export statements. This is useful when working with modern JavaScript modules and leveraging ES6 module syntax.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘–use-js-modules’ flag is used to instruct the ‘decaffeinate’ command to convert require and module.exports statements to import and export statements during the conversion process.

Example output:

import foo from './foo';


Use case 4: Convert a CoffeeScript, allowing named exports


decaffeinate --loose-js-modules path/to/

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert CoffeeScript code that uses named exports to JavaScript code that allows named exports. This can be useful when working on projects that require explicit control over which symbols are exported from a module.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘–loose-js-modules’ flag is used to allow named exports during the conversion process. By default, CoffeeScript only allows implicit exports, exporting all top-level variables and functions. Using this option enables explicit control over named exports.

Example output:

export const foo = 42;



The ‘decaffeinate’ command provides a convenient way to migrate CoffeeScript code to modern JavaScript. By utilizing its various options, developers can convert CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, handle CoffeeScript v2 syntax, convert require and module.exports to import and export, and allow named exports. This command is a valuable tool for projects that need to transition away from CoffeeScript or work with modern JavaScript environments.

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