Mastering the Bash 'declare' Command (with examples)

Mastering the Bash 'declare' Command (with examples)

The declare command in Bash scripting is a powerful built-in tool used to create variables with specific attributes. It is an essential part of managing variables when writing shell scripts, allowing you to set data types and other properties that can influence how a script runs. This not only provides clarity when handling data but also enhances script efficiency and correctness. The command helps in defining ordinary variables, integers, arrays, and associative arrays, as well as setting read-only or global attributes within functions.

Let’s explore various use cases of the declare command.

Use case 1: Declare a string variable with the specified value


declare variable="value"


In scripting, it’s crucial to store and manipulate data using variables. By declaring a string variable, we specify that the data will be treated as textual information. This standard approach facilitates operations like concatenation and comparison.


  • declare: This command tells Bash to create a variable with specific attributes. In this case, it’s the default behavior for a string variable.
  • variable: The name of the variable that will hold the string value.
  • "value": The actual string data assigned to the variable, enclosed in quotes to ensure it’s treated as a string.

Example Output:

No direct output is produced just by declaring a variable, but this sets the stage for output when the variable is used in further operations, such as echo "$variable" producing value.

Use case 2: Declare an integer variable with the specified value


declare -i variable="value"


When working with numbers, it is often necessary to enforce arithmetic operations and ensure that variable data is processed as integers. By declaring an integer variable, arithmetic errors are prevented, and the script ensures calculations are performed accurately.


  • declare -i: The -i option specifies that the variable should be treated as an integer, allowing for arithmetic operations.
  • variable: This designates the variable’s name.
  • "value": The numeric data assigned. If it’s not a valid integer, Bash defaults the variable to zero.

Example Output:

If performing an arithmetic operation like variable+=5, and assuming value was 10, the variable would correctly update to 15.

Use case 3: Declare an array variable with the specified value


declare -a variable=(item_a item_b item_c)


Arrays are invaluable for managing a collection of items without needing a large number of individual variables. They allow for organized data manipulation and iteration processes, ideal for bulk data operations.


  • declare -a: The -a tag indicates that an array variable is being defined.
  • variable: Represents the array’s name.
  • (item_a item_b item_c): The parentheses syntax initializes the array with multiple items.

Example Output:

Accessing echo "${variable[1]}" would output item_b, demonstrating retrieval of the second element in the array.

Use case 4: Declare an associative array variable with the specified value


declare -A variable=([key_a]=item_a [key_b]=item_b [key_c]=item_c)


Associative arrays are pivotal for storing and accessing data using key-value pairs. This makes complex data management much more intuitive, allowing settings, configurations, and other structured data to be easily retrieved and manipulated.


  • declare -A: Signals the definition of an associative array.
  • variable: Identifies the associative array’s name.
  • ([key_a]=item_a [key_b]=item_b [key_c]=item_c): This syntax initializes the array with keys mapped to specific values.

Example Output:

Using echo "${variable[key_b]}" would display item_b, showcasing value retrieval by key.

Use case 5: Declare a readonly string variable with the specified value


declare -r variable="value"


Readonly variables protect data integrity by preventing modifications after initial assignment. This is useful for constant values that should remain immutable throughout script execution, ensuring stability and minimizing errors.


  • declare -r: The -r flag specifies that the variable is read-only.
  • variable: The name assigned to this immutable variable.
  • "value": The string value initialized at declaration, which cannot be altered later.

Example Output:

Attempts to modify this variable will result in errors, as shown by variable="new_value", which would generate a “readonly variable” error message.

Use case 6: Declare a global variable within a function with the specified value


declare -g variable="value"


Sometimes, it’s necessary to ensure that a variable defined inside a function maintains its scope and value outside of that function. Using global variables can thus prevent scope-related errors and aid data consistency throughout the script.


  • declare -g: This option creates a global variable, overriding the function’s default local scope.
  • variable: The name of the variable that will have global scope.
  • "value": The assigned data that persists as part of the global environment.

Example Output:

After defining a global variable within a function, accessing it outside the function—via echo "$variable"—correctly outputs the assigned value, e.g., value.


The declare command in Bash is instrumental in efficiently managing variable properties, offering functionality to work with different data types, ensuring immutability, and defining scope accurately. By leveraging these use cases, a shell script can be made more robust, error-free, and easier to maintain. The knowledge of these attributes empowers scriptwriters to harness the full potential of Bash for advanced and effective scripting solutions.

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