Using the "deleted" Command (with examples)

Using the "deleted" Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

The “deleted” command is used to keep track of purgeable space and prompt clients to purge when the available space is low. It is a daemon that runs in the background and should not be invoked manually. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the “deleted” command, along with code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Starting the Daemon

The first use case we will explore is starting the “deleted” daemon. The command to start the daemon is simply:



Starting the “deleted” daemon is necessary to enable space management and purging functionality. By running the daemon, clients can be notified and prompted to purge files or data when the available space on the system is running low. This helps to ensure efficient utilization of storage resources and prevent potential disruptions due to insufficient space.


The “deleted” command without any additional arguments starts the daemon process in the background. Once the daemon is running, it continuously monitors the available space on the system and interacts with clients to manage purgeable space.

Example Output

When the “deleted” daemon is started, it runs silently in the background without producing any immediate output. However, it actively monitors the system’s available space and prompts clients to take necessary actions when the space is low.


In this article, we have explored the different use cases of the “deleted” command and provided code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each use case. The “deleted” command is a powerful tool for managing purgeable space and ensuring efficient utilization of storage resources. By understanding its various use cases, you can effectively leverage its functionality to optimize storage management in your system.

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