How to use the command `deluge-console` (with examples)

How to use the command `deluge-console` (with examples)

The command deluge-console is an interactive interface for the Deluge BitTorrent client. It allows users to manage and control their torrents directly from the command line.

Use case 1: Start the interactive console interface



Motivation: Starting the interactive console interface is the first step in utilizing the Deluge command line interface. It allows users to interact with the Deluge BitTorrent client through a command prompt.

Explanation: This command simply starts the interactive console interface.

Example output:

Starting Deluge console UI...
  info           Show overall session status and config state
  add            Add a torrent
  addfile        Add a torrent with fast resume from a file
  addurl         Add a torrent with fast resume from a URL
  pause          Pause a torrent or all torrents
  resume         Resume a torrent or all torrents
  stop           Stop a torrent or all torrents
  start          Start a torrent or all torrents
  remove         Remove a torrent or all torrents
  remove_data    Remove a torrent and data
  move           Move location of a torrent
  move_data      Move location of a torrents data
  reconnect      Reconnect session to daemon
  config         Edit config
  shutdown       Shutdown the deluge daemon
  plugin         Plugin commands
Help:            <command> -h|--help

Use case 2: Connect to a Deluge daemon instance


connect hostname:port

Motivation: If you have a Deluge daemon running on a remote machine, you can use this command to connect to it and manage the torrents from your local machine.

Explanation: The connect command is used to establish a connection to a Deluge daemon instance running on a remote machine. You need to provide the hostname and port of the machine. The hostname should be replaced with the IP address or domain name of the machine running the Deluge daemon, and the port should be replaced with the appropriate port number.

Example output:

Connecting to

Use case 3: Add a torrent to the daemon


add url|magnet|path/to/file

Motivation: Adding a torrent to the daemon allows you to start downloading the torrent and manage it using the Deluge command line interface.

Explanation: The add command allows you to add a torrent to the Deluge daemon. You can provide the torrent in one of three ways: by URL, by magnet link, or by specifying the path to a local torrent file. Replace url, magnet, or path/to/file with the appropriate value.

Example output:

Added torrent: Example.torrent (abcdef1234567890)

Use case 4: Display information about all torrents



Motivation: This command provides an overview of the status and progress of all the torrents currently being managed by the Deluge daemon.

Explanation: The info command displays detailed information about all torrents, including their names, sizes, download progress, upload progress, and more.

Example output:

ID    Name                    Size      Status        Download      Upload      
1     Example.torrent         1.2 GB    Downloading   50%           10 KB/s      
2     Another.torrent         800 MB    Seeding       100%          50 KB/s      
3     New.torrent             500 MB    Paused        0%            0 B/s         

Use case 5: Display information about a specific torrent


info torrent_id

Motivation: This command allows you to view detailed information about a specific torrent, including its status, download progress, upload progress, and more.

Explanation: The info command can be used to display information about a specific torrent by providing its torrent_id. You can obtain the torrent_id from the output of the info command or by using other commands such as add.

Example output:

ID:           2
Name:         Another.torrent
Size:         800 MB
Status:       Seeding
Download:     100%
Upload:       50 KB/s
ETA:          1 hour

Use case 6: Pause a torrent


pause torrent_id

Motivation: Pausing a torrent temporarily suspends its downloading or uploading activity, allowing you to conserve bandwidth or prioritize other torrents.

Explanation: The pause command is used to pause a specific torrent by providing its torrent_id. Once paused, the torrent will stop downloading or uploading until it is resumed.

Example output:

Torrent paused: Another.torrent (2)

Use case 7: Resume a torrent


resume torrent_id

Motivation: Resuming a paused torrent allows you to continue its downloading or uploading activity.

Explanation: The resume command is used to resume a specific torrent by providing its torrent_id. Once resumed, the torrent will continue downloading or uploading as before.

Example output:

Torrent resumed: Another.torrent (2)

Use case 8: Remove a torrent from the daemon


rm torrent_id

Motivation: Removing a torrent from the daemon allows you to clean up and remove unwanted or completed torrents from your client.

Explanation: The rm command is used to remove a specific torrent from the Deluge daemon by providing its torrent_id. This command will remove the torrent from the list of managed torrents and delete any downloaded data associated with it.

Example output:

Torrent removed: Another.torrent (2)


The deluge-console command provides a convenient way to manage and control torrents in the Deluge BitTorrent client using the command line interface. By utilizing the different use cases illustrated above, you can easily add, monitor, pause, resume, and remove torrents, making it a powerful tool for efficient torrent management.

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