Deploy PHP applications (with examples)

Deploy PHP applications (with examples)

Interactive initialization of deployer in the local path

To interactively initialize deployer in the local path, you can use the dep init command. This command will guide you through the process of setting up a deployment configuration file for your project. If you want to use a specific framework template, you can specify it with the --template=template flag.

dep init --template=laravel

By running this command, you can easily set up a deployment configuration file for your Laravel project. This will enable you to automate the process of deploying your project to a remote host.

Deploying an application to a remote host

To deploy your application to a remote host, you can use the dep deploy command followed by the hostname. This command will use the deployment configuration file present in your project directory to deploy your application. The hostname argument specifies the remote host to which you want to deploy.

dep deploy hostname

By deploying your application to a remote host, you can make it accessible to users and test it in a production-like environment. This allows you to simulate real-world scenarios and ensure that your application works correctly before making it available to a wider audience.

Rolling back to the previous working release

The dep rollback command allows you to roll back to the previous working release of your application. This can be useful if you have deployed a new version of your application that introduces bugs or other issues. By rolling back, you can quickly revert to a known stable version of your application.

dep rollback

Rolling back to the previous working release gives you the ability to restore your application to a state where it was known to be functioning correctly. This can be crucial in situations where a new release introduces critical issues that need to be addressed promptly.

Connecting to a remote host via SSH

If you need to connect to a remote host via SSH, you can use the dep ssh command followed by the hostname. This command will establish an SSH connection to the specified remote host, allowing you to execute commands directly on that host.

dep ssh hostname

Connecting to a remote host via SSH gives you remote access to the host’s command line interface. This can be useful for troubleshooting, debugging, or performing administrative tasks on the remote host.

Listing commands

To see a list of available commands, you can use the dep list command. This will display a list of all the commands provided by the deployer tool. This can be useful if you want to explore the available options or quickly check the syntax of a specific command.

dep list

Listing commands allows you to get an overview of all the available functionality provided by the deployer tool. This helps you familiarize yourself with the tool and enables you to make the most out of its capabilities.

Running arbitrary commands on remote hosts

The dep run command allows you to execute any arbitrary command on the remote hosts defined in your deployment configuration file. The command to be executed should be specified within double quotes.

dep run "command"

Running arbitrary commands on remote hosts gives you the flexibility to perform various tasks, such as clearing caches, running migrations, or executing custom scripts. This allows you to automate additional steps during the deployment process.

Displaying help for a command

If you need help with a specific command, you can use the dep help command followed by the command name. This will display detailed information about the usage and options of the specified command.

dep help command

Displaying help for a command gives you comprehensive information about its functionality, arguments, and available options. This can be extremely helpful for understanding how to use a specific command correctly and leverage its features effectively.

Note: The examples provided in this article assume that the necessary dependencies and configuration files are already set up in the project directory. Please refer to the official documentation of deployer for more information on setting up deployer for your specific project and framework.

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