How to use the command 'dexdump' (with examples)

How to use the command 'dexdump' (with examples)

Dexdump is a command-line tool used to analyze Android DEX (Dalvik Executable) files, which are crucial components of Android applications since they contain compiled classes and methods. It provides a rich set of functionality that allows developers and security analysts to dissect APK files, understand the application’s structure, and examine its executable instructions. By leveraging dexdump, users can gain insights into the internal workings of APK files, thus enhancing their debugging, reverse-engineering, and security auditing efforts.

Use case 1: Extract classes and methods from an APK file


dexdump path/to/file.apk

Motivation for using this example:

The primary motivation for extracting classes and methods from an APK file is to get a detailed overview of the underlying structure of the Android application. This can be particularly useful for developers looking to understand an application they did not create, for cybersecurity professionals conducting a security audit, or for reverse engineers seeking to analyze how the software functions.


  • dexdump: This is the command being used to extract information from an APK file. It initiates the dexdump tool, which is a part of the Android SDK.
  • path/to/file.apk: This argument specifies the path to the APK file from which the classes and methods will be extracted. It should be replaced with the actual file path to the APK file.

Example Output:

Class #0, header: 0x00000678
  Class descriptor        : 'Lcom/example/MyApp;'
  Access flags            : 0x0001 (public)
  Superclass              : 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
  Number of interfaces    : 1
Processing methods:
  methodIdx    : 0xe
  flags        : 0x0
  code         : 0x00012c12
  method       : public onStart()V

Use case 2: Display header information of DEX files contained in an APK file


dexdump -f path/to/file.apk

Motivation for using this example:

Understanding the header information of the DEX files within an APK can provide crucial metadata about the file structure, such as file size, offsets, and other details. This is particularly beneficial for developers and analysts who need to verify the integrity of an APK file or compare differences across versions of an app.


  • dexdump: This is the command to analyze APK files using the dexdump tool.
  • -f: This flag stands for “file header,” instructing dexdump to specifically print the header details of the DEX files.
  • path/to/file.apk: This is the placeholder for the actual path to the APK file you are analyzing.

Example Output:

DEX file header (0x0 bytes):
  magic  : 'dex\n035\0'
  checksum : 0x12345678
  signature : 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
  fileSize : 3487412

Use case 3: Display the dis-assembled output of executable sections


dexdump -d path/to/file.apk

Motivation for using this example:

Dis-assembling the executable sections of an APK file allows for an in-depth examination of the bytecode instructions that drive the app’s functionality. This is crucial for reverse engineering activities, security analysis, and debugging, as it provides a granular view of what the code is intended to do.


  • dexdump: The tool used to disassemble the contents of APK files.
  • -d: This flag instructs dexdump to display the dis-assembled (or disassembled) output, translating the bytecode into a human-readable format.
  • path/to/file.apk: The placeholder for the actual APK file path that you are analyzing.

Example Output:

Code belongs to method at index 0x0000
Dex PC 0x0000: invoke-direct {r0, r1}, Landroid/content/Intent;->startActivity()V
Dex PC 0x0003: return-void

Use case 4: Output results to a file


dexdump -o path/to/file path/to/file.apk

Motivation for using this example:

There will be instances where you need to save the output of the dexdump operation for further analysis, reporting, or record-keeping purposes. By directing the output to a file, you ensure that the information is not lost and can be reviewed offline or shared with collaborators.


  • dexdump: Executes the command to analyze the APK file.
  • -o path/to/file: This flag tells dexdump to output its results to the specified file path. Replace path/to/file with your desired output location.
  • path/to/file.apk: Represents the location of the input APK file you wish to analyze.

Example Output:

The command will generate a file at the specified location, containing the dump output:

File saved to /path/to/file containing extracted details.


Dexdump is a powerful tool for extracting, analyzing, and understanding the structure of Android APK files through their DEX contents. By using the different use cases of dexdump, users gain essential insights necessary for development, security, and reverse engineering tasks. Whether you are assessing an app’s architecture, ensuring its integrity, or dissecting its bytecode, dexdump offers the versatility needed to engage deeply with Android applications.

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