How to use the command "diffoscope" (with examples)

How to use the command "diffoscope" (with examples)

Diffoscope is a powerful command that allows you to compare files, archives, and directories. It provides detailed insight into the differences between two files or directories, which can be crucial for debugging issues, tracking changes, and ensuring data integrity. With diffoscope, you can easily identify any discrepancies in content, metadata, or metadata-specific attributes.

Use case 1: Compare two files


diffoscope path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly determine whether two files are identical or not. By comparing the contents of two files, you can easily spot differences that may have been introduced during data transfer, editing, or other operations.


  • diffoscope: The command itself.
  • path/to/file1 and path/to/file2: The file paths of the two files you want to compare.

Example Output: The output will display a detailed comparison of the two files, highlighting any differences in content, metadata, or metadata-specific attributes.

Use case 2: Compare two files without displaying a progress bar


diffoscope --no-progress path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: The progress bar can be distracting when comparing large files or when running the command in an automated/scripted environment. In such cases, disabling the progress bar can provide a cleaner output.


  • --no-progress: An option to disable the progress bar.

Example Output: The output will be the same as in Use Case 1, but without the progress bar displayed.

Use case 3: Compare two files and write an HTML-report to a file


diffoscope --html path/to/outfile|- path/to/file1 path/to/file2

Motivation: Generating an HTML report can be useful for sharing comparison results with others or for archiving purposes. The HTML report provides a structured view of the differences, making it easier to navigate and comprehend the comparison results.


  • --html: An option to generate an HTML report.
  • path/to/outfile|-: The file path where the HTML report will be written. Use “-” to write the report to stdout.
  • path/to/file1 and path/to/file2: The file paths of the two files you want to compare.

Example Output: The HTML report will be saved to the specified file path (path/to/outfile) or printed to stdout (-). The report will contain a detailed comparison of the two files, along with any differences found.

Use case 4: Compare two directories excluding files with a name matching a specified pattern


diffoscope --exclude pattern path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may want to exclude specific files from the comparison. This can be useful when you have files in the directories that you know will always differ due to their naming conventions or other external factors.


  • --exclude pattern: An option to exclude files with a name matching the specified pattern.
  • path/to/directory1 and path/to/directory2: The directory paths of the two directories you want to compare.

Example Output: The output will display a detailed comparison of the two directories, omitting any files with names that match the specified pattern.

Use case 5: Compare two directories and control whether directory metadata is considered


diffoscope --exclude-directory-metadata auto|yes|no|recursive path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2

Motivation: Directory metadata, such as permissions or timestamps, can play a significant role in understanding the differences between directories. However, in some cases, you may want to exclude directory metadata, either to focus solely on content differences or to compare directories at a higher level.


  • --exclude-directory-metadata: An option to control whether directory metadata is considered.
    • auto: Automatically consider directory metadata if the compared directories have different content.
    • yes: Always consider directory metadata.
    • no: Never consider directory metadata.
    • recursive: Consider directory metadata recursively (including subdirectories).

Example Output: The output will display a detailed comparison of the two directories, considering or excluding directory metadata based on the chosen option.


Diffoscope is a powerful tool for comparing files, archives, and directories. By understanding the various use cases and command options, you can leverage diffoscope to identify even the smallest differences between your data, ensuring accuracy, integrity, and efficient debugging.

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