Exploring the 'dir' Command (with examples)

Exploring the 'dir' Command (with examples)

The dir command is a versatile tool used to list the contents of directories. It provides a streamlined approach to viewing files and directories, offering various options to customize the display of information. Its functionality is akin to the ls command, but with some specific flags and options that allow for different presentations of directory contents. This article will delve into several use cases that demonstrate how to use the dir command effectively.

Use case 1: Listing All Files, Including Hidden Files


dir --all


When evaluating the contents of a directory, it’s vital to view all the files, including those that are hidden. Hidden files typically start with a period (.) and are not displayed with plain directory listing commands unless explicitly requested. This is particularly useful for developers and system administrators who need to check configuration files or hidden cache directories to ensure everything is in place.


  • --all: This argument tells the dir command to include all files, even those that are hidden.

Example Output:

.              .hiddenfile       regularfile.txt
..             .bashrc           anotherfile.md

The example output illustrates that hidden files, such as .hiddenfile and .bashrc, are displayed alongside regular files when this option is used.

Use case 2: Listing Files Including Their Author


dir -l --author


Tracking file authorship can be crucial in environments where collaboration on files is common. By displaying the author, users can easily identify who created or owns a particular file, which aids in managing access rights, understanding file history, and contacting the responsible individual for inquiries or updates.


  • -l: The -l flag triggers the detailed listing mode, similar to ls -l, displaying extended information about each file.
  • --author: This option adds the author of each file to the displayed information, providing additional context.

Example Output:

-rw-r--r--  1 user  author1  2048  Oct 10 15:02 file1.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 user  author2  4096  Oct 12 09:45 file2.md

The output shows files with detailed information, including permissions, number of links, owner, author, size, date, time, and filename.

Use case 3: Listing Files Excluding Those That Match a Specified Pattern


dir --hide=*.log


Excluding files based on patterns is particularly useful when you want to focus on specific types of files in a directory. This function is typically used to ignore log files, temporary files, or any other pattern-specific data that may clutter the directory view. It aids in cleaning up the output of directory listings by removing unnecessary file types from view.


  • --hide=pattern: This option hides files that match the specified pattern. In this example, any files with the .log extension will be hidden.

Example Output:

file1.txt       file2.md       important.conf

Here, any .log files are omitted from the output, allowing users to focus only on the relevant files.

Use case 4: Listing Subdirectories Recursively


dir --recursive


Recursively listing subdirectories is indispensable when you need to view the entire directory tree structure. This comprehensive view allows users to map out the contents across directories and subdirectories, making it easier to navigate complex file arrangements, especially in large projects or nested setups.


  • --recursive: This flag enables the recursive listing of all directories and their contents, providing a complete overview of the directory hierarchy.

Example Output:




The output demonstrates how the contents of directories and subdirectories are displayed, illustrating the full directory structure.

Use case 5: Displaying Help for the dir Command


dir --help


Accessing the help menu is essential for understanding all available options and syntaxes associated with the dir command. It serves as a quick reference guide for beginners and advanced users alike, ensuring that the command is used effectively and correctly.


  • --help: This flag displays comprehensive help information about the dir command, detailing available flags, options, and usage instructions.

Example Output:

Usage: dir [OPTION]... [FILE]...
List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified.
[Further detailed instructions and options list...]

This output provides basic usage guidance along with descriptions of various options, serving as a valuable resource for users.


The dir command is a powerful tool that offers flexibility and convenience for listing directory contents. Whether you need to explore all hidden files, identify file authors, exclude certain types of files, dive into nested directories, or find help regarding usage, the dir command provides suitable options to meet these requirements. Understanding these use cases enhances a user’s ability to manage files efficiently across different operating systems.

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