How to Use the Command 'dirbuster' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'dirbuster' (with Examples)

DirBuster is an essential tool for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts alike, particularly for those engaged in penetration testing. It’s a Java application used to brute force directories and filenames on web and application servers, which can often expose hidden or unlinked directories and files. Unlike conventional vulnerability scanners, DirBuster uncovers resources that are otherwise difficult to identify, making it crucial for a comprehensive security assessment.

Use Case 1: Start in GUI Mode


dirbuster -u


Using DirBuster in GUI mode is an excellent choice for users who prefer visual tools over command-line interfaces. The GUI is intuitive and provides real-time, detailed feedback about the scan’s progress and findings, including information on available directories and files. This option is ideal for users who are new to the tool or prefer interaction over automation.


  • dirbuster: Initiates the DirBuster application.
  • -u The -u flag specifies the target URL for the directory busting. This is where DirBuster will start its scanning process.

Example Output:

Upon launching, a user-friendly interface would appear where you can see the scan progress, list of URLs discovered, and the associated response codes. You would also have options to start, pause, or stop the scan.

Use Case 2: Start in Headless (No GUI) Mode


dirbuster -H -u


Invoking DirBuster in headless mode is ideal for automated tests or when operating in environments where a graphical user interface is unavailable or unnecessary, such as cloud servers or automated security testing scripts. This mode is particularly useful for integrating DirBuster into a CI/CD pipeline.


  • dirbuster: Starts DirBuster.
  • -H: This flag enables headless mode, which runs DirBuster without launching the GUI.
  • -u The -u option specifies the target URL.

Example Output:

In headless mode, the output typically appears in the terminal showing the list of discovered directories and files, their response codes, and the time taken for each request.

Use Case 3: Set the File Extension List


dirbuster -e txt,html


Limiting the search to specific file extensions can significantly speed up the scanning process. Certain tests might require examining only specific file types that are more likely to contain vulnerabilities or sensitive data, such as .txt or .html files. This targeted approach can increase efficiency and reduce false positives.


  • dirbuster: Initializes DirBuster.
  • -e txt,html: The -e flag allows you to specify which file extensions to target during scanning, focusing on .txt and .html files in this case.

Example Output:

The output in this scenario would display directories and files specifically ending in .txt or .html, along with HTTP response codes and scan durations.

Use Case 4: Enable Verbose Output


dirbuster -v


Verbose output is particularly useful for troubleshooting issues or understanding the scan’s behavior in detail. This setting provides extensive feedback during the scanning process, including detailed logs of each action DirBuster performs. It’s invaluable for those who need insights into the scanning mechanism or are debugging a particular issue.


  • dirbuster: Starts the DirBuster application.
  • -v: The -v flag enables verbose mode, increasing the detail level of the output logs.

Example Output:

Verbose mode outputs a continuous stream of diagnostic messages to the console, detailing every resource DirBuster checks. These logs include request headers, response headers, and any errors or anomalies encountered.

Use Case 5: Set the Report Location


dirbuster -r path/to/report.txt


Defining a specific location for the scan report helps in organizing and archiving results, crucial for maintaining records, further analysis, or documentation purposes. It enables users to retain a detailed account of test results for later review or as evidence in comprehensive security audits.


  • dirbuster: Initiates the tool.
  • -r path/to/report.txt: The -r flag specifies the file path where the scan’s output will be saved. It allows users to direct the report to a specific directory and filename for easier access.

Example Output:

After the scan completes, the specified report file contains detailed results, listing all detected directories and files, corresponding HTTP status codes, and additional metadata pertinent to the scan.


DirBuster is a powerful tool with various options tailored to different needs, from user-friendly GUI to automated headless mode, allowing flexible and effective directory and file enumeration. Understanding these use cases and their practical implementations ensures security professionals can efficiently uncover hidden resources during a penetration test.

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