How to use the command 'direnv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'direnv' (with examples)

Direnv is a shell extension that allows you to load and unload environment variables depending on the current directory. It helps manage project-specific environment variables and configurations in an efficient manner.

Use case 1: Grant direnv permission to load the .envrc present in the current directory


direnv allow .


Granting direnv permission to load the .envrc file is necessary for direnv to start managing the environment variables for a specific project. By allowing direnv to load the .envrc file in the current directory, it can automatically apply the environment variables defined in the file whenever you navigate to that directory.


  • direnv: This is the command itself.
  • allow: This subcommand is used to grant permission for direnv to load the .envrc file.
  • .: This argument specifies the current directory.

Example output:

direnv: loading .envrc
direnv: export +ENV_VAR1 +ENV_VAR2

Once you grant permission by executing the direnv allow . command, direnv loads the .envrc file and exports the environment variables defined in the file. In this example, ENV_VAR1 and ENV_VAR2 are loaded into the current shell environment.

Use case 2: Revoke the authorization to load the .envrc present in the current directory


direnv deny .


Revoking the authorization for direnv to load the .envrc file can be useful when you no longer want direnv to manage the environment variables for a specific project. This can help prevent any unwanted conflicts or unintended side effects.


  • direnv: This is the command itself.
  • deny: This subcommand is used to revoke the authorization for direnv to load the .envrc file.
  • .: This argument specifies the current directory.

Example output:

direnv: unloading

By executing the direnv deny . command, direnv unloads the .envrc file and clears any environment variables that were previously loaded from it.

Use case 3: Edit the .envrc file in the default text editor and reload the environment on exit


direnv edit .


Editing the .envrc file is common when you need to update or modify project-specific environment variables. The direnv edit command makes it convenient to open the .envrc file in your default text editor, allowing you to make the necessary changes. Furthermore, direnv automatically reloads the environment variables after you save and exit the editor.


  • direnv: This is the command itself.
  • edit: This subcommand is used to open the .envrc file in the default text editor.
  • .: This argument specifies the current directory.

Example output:

Opening .envrc in default text editor...

Executing the direnv edit . command opens the .envrc file in the default text editor. Once you save and exit the editor, direnv will automatically reload the environment, applying any changes you made to the .envrc file.

Use case 4: Trigger a reload of the environment


direnv reload


Sometimes, you may need to manually trigger a reload of the environment variables. This can be useful when you have made changes to the .envrc file, and you want to immediately apply those changes without having to navigate to a different directory.


  • direnv: This is the command itself.
  • reload: This subcommand is used to trigger a reload of the environment.

Example output:

direnv: reloading
direnv: export +ENV_VAR1 +ENV_VAR2

Executing the direnv reload command triggers a reload of the environment variables defined in the .envrc file. In this example, ENV_VAR1 and ENV_VAR2 are reloaded into the current shell environment.

Use case 5: Print some debug status information


direnv status


The direnv status command allows you to print debug status information, providing insights into the current state of direnv and the environment variables it is managing. This can be helpful for troubleshooting or understanding how direnv is affecting the environment.


  • direnv: This is the command itself.
  • status: This subcommand is used to print debug status information.

Example output:

direnv: loading .envrc
direnv: export +ENV_VAR1 +ENV_VAR2

By executing the direnv status command, direnv displays the debug status information, showing the loading of the .envrc file and the exported environment variables. This can help you verify that direnv is correctly managing the desired environment.


The direnv command is a powerful tool for managing project-specific environment variables. By leveraging its various subcommands, such as allow, deny, edit, reload, and status, direnv simplifies the process of setting up and managing project environments. Whether it’s granting permission, revoking authorization, editing configuration files, triggering reloads, or gaining insights into the environment status, direnv offers a convenient and efficient solution.

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